
I'll admit that it didn't come from the trailer, but rather comments by Gareth Edwards about the chief beefs in the film. But it's an accurate interpretation of those comments, if a snarky cheat in the trailer analysis.

All noted and well considered. With Ripley, I'm more talking about fourth-gen screenwriter hacks who use the archetype as a ladyscifi/fantasy adventure placeholder. And the "ha ha" part is that an algorithm can spit out the word combinations; just need a warm body in a flightsuit to say them (for now).

Someone said it was "rains." And then someone else said "Rainn," as in Wilson. I just need to know if it's a cipher or odd usage.

Debbie Downer time! Things I did not enjoy about the Rogue One trailer (though I will likely love the final product or rationalize some enjoyment):

Support public interest groups working on these issues every day.

I work for SiriusXM now. It's great to be around people who give a shit about radio and can run a successful commercial business around it.

This makes me so happy. The organization I ran until very recently, Future of Music Coalition, along with our artist friends, successfully held the line on further consolidation, helped win the expansion of Low-Power FM, and made net neutrality make sense to people who wouldn't have been interested in arcane telecom

No point in mentioning these space monkeys, I thought. Poor bastard will see them soon enough.

Farting Brexit Corpse.

We got puns and dames.

We weren't just having sex. We were making whoopie.

Javier Bardem?
Timothy Olyphant?
Sam Elliott?
Christopher Walken?
Werner Herzog?
Bill Murray?
Jeff Goldblum?
Gilbert Gottfried?
A CG recreation of Klaus Kinski?
Angus Scrimm via necromancy?

If A.V Club needs a Today in Copyfights column, Josh Modell knows where to find me. (Facebook, basically.)

Ocasek is only in his rights when he owns his own publishing (or some portion of the underlying composition in "Just What I Needed." I suspect that even if he isn't a whole or partial rightsholder, he has standing with his publisher to prevent the use. But if I was a Sony ATV writer and a Cheetos ad wanted to do a

No, there is the affirmative defense called fair use, which is actually part of US copyright law. He and the label would have to have been sued to invoke it as a defense, and a judge would make a determination of fairness based on a four part test (with discretion as to how the factors are weighted in the decision):

Axl Rose used to make Stephanie Seymour do that.

Not trademarked; copyrighted.

You'll hear absolutely no disagreement from me, sir!

I've been waiting for this opportunity since copper wire met TCP/IP.

aka every Radiohead album after Kid A. Wait, those are Thom Yorke solo albums with all the same players. Never mind!