
All of the songs you just mentioned are amazing.

Weird Aleister tour is more newsworthy.

Oh… I thought you meant CETERA.


I just feel like his writing style doesn't work well. FIXED

Progressions can count if they are germane to the composition, which is part of a musical work or sound recording copyright.

This is a song that takes a building in a manner to which our forefathers were very used to. Did you hear that? It's true though, innit? The feeling that's left everybody. The cosmic energy. Everybody goes, "yeah! BASH!"

This is not true at all. See "My Sweet Lord."

Seriously? "Dazed and Confused" is an almost identical nick. Jake Holmes even had the weird middle section plotted out.

Full disclosure: I head up the org who published the piece I'm about to link to (and I even wrote the goddamn thing, how's that for self-serving?), but here's why the major labels are being disingenuous. And I WANT the copyright owners and artists to get paid:…

You guys are nuts. Century: 1909, 1969 and 2009 are far superior to the original League tales. There is excellent online fan annotation that helps the - ahem - uninitiated grok the references.

I guess my point is that you can't talk parity in royalty obligations without addressing the terrestrial radio exemption, which allows broadcasters to not pay performers anything.

OK, here's a primer:

Purson are infinitely better than Blood Ceremony, who are hacks.