
I’m not a fan of Rick Reilly at all, but the toxic meanness of this is so off-putting. One of the best things about Grantland was that Bill Simmons didn’t hire writers who think venom and harshness should be a default approach to people or events they don’t like. I guess that approach is part of the Gawker empire’s

I just want to point out that if Rick Reilly were a Deadspin commenter, his terrible puns and “I haven’t seen an X like Y since Z” jokes would get about a million stars.

This is bad writing on the level of Gawker’s coverage of high diner prices

Oh cool, you got opinions?

Nice try, Burneko, but you’re not getting the David Carr Fellowship.

As a Dodger fan living in SF, I will give Giants fans this: At least most of their fans know who’s on the team, while I still know people in SoCal who say they like the Dodgers but can’t name any pitcher past Clayton Kershaw (and even he’s not a given).

The difference in Drew hating things and Albert hating everything: Drew is a good writer.

I'd guess 70% of the general public wouldn't even know what State the Warriors play in.

I realize this site is called “Deadspin” but this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.