
I’ve done this a few times. It’s actually pretty tough. One little mistake and you gotta go find another plane or wait for one to respawn. I usually wait for one near Trevor’s airfield...

It was probably an SOS signal....

I was more surprised by how close he was sitting to the screen. Like WTF.

On that picture showing the staircase, does anyone know why the lower banister extends further than the upper banister? Why don’t they both end at the same place? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.

Ok, which one is the April Fool’s joke? I’m guessing Hitman, right? Cuz it wasn’t a real/complete game.

This going to be a Peter Jackson trilogy?? ;)

I’m confused. Did he walk into a cave full of sleeping deathclaws or something? It was too dark in there; I couldn’t make out what made him pause.

Also, PSA — they are patching all the major exploits tomorrow (no longer can you farm the bosses for repeated drops, no longer can you do a mission with multiple squads). Get at it tonight before they patch it!!!!

I don’t follow politics so this is not related in any way to this candidate, but screw you people hating on how people eat their food. I proudly eat pizza with a knife and fork all the time, yes in public as well (actually, especially in public) because who wants greasy fingers.

Well, you still need to keep playing until you get 335 gear for each slot... that’s the bottleneck. I’ve played VoG, CE, and KF raids so many times now. Just thinking about doing it again (KF on hard, or PoE) is what gives me the shivers. Especially since our Destiny clans have all moved on to other things now.

This all sounds exciting, if mostly cosmetic (since there’s nothing really new (like subclass, skills, etc.) that would change the fundamental Destiny experience), but just thinking about the game gives me the shivers at the time needed to re-grind for all updated gear again. I’m really wanting to sit this out.

For weapons, I’m kinda torn. Everyone online says to craft the high end Vector. I know SMGs are overpowered right now due to the default 20% critical hit chance, but I also feel like this would be nerfed in the future and I personally like the LMGs more. As you said, they’re great against the rushers and elites. Not

“To that end: These days when I play the daily hard missions, I play them solo.”

Has this lasted for more than 4 hours? If so, then yes, seek medical help immediately.

Just my opinion: not a fan of the green balls. Makes it much, much harder for my eyes to scan the list and look for good deals.

Just my opinion: not a fan of the green balls. Makes it much, much harder for my eyes to scan the list and look for

Something similar happened to me, too. I post videos just for fun and nothing is monetized. But a videogame clip had background music which I couldn’t remove, it got slapped with a copyright notice, and Youtube muted the whole audio. I didn’t keep track, but after continuing to upload videos “in good standing,” all

Dafuq??!?! Really? Cuz I’ve checked twice and saw static both times. I’ll check again later...but if this is an early April Fool’s joke...grrrr....

Same on the XB1. It was disturbing...

Uhhh, one bit of news that deserves more highlight: King’s Fall raid on normal will drop items that go up to 320 light (previously was only obtainable on hard), and the raid on hard will drop items that go up to 330 light. Sucks for those who grinded to get their 320s.

Yup. And probably at a fraction of the budget, too.