
My money is on the latter, but it will be an enjoyable shit show. Special effects and all.

Is the narrator speaking too fast, or is it just me?

I like the wormhole idea better! Just thought of an interesting sci-fi story. Imagine our solar system is dying. We search for habitable worlds, create a wormhole, and start re-building civilization. While trying to figure out where exactly in the universe we are, we discover that we can actually see the light from

I was thinking more of sending a set of drones/probes to do all of this... Unless people wanted to build a whole observation/scientific colony.

“toothy predators who will chase you down and try to kill you, and herbivores that mostly just flee. Humans in this game are apparently no different.”

This just occurred to me. When we observe stars and galaxies millions of light years away, all that light was emitted X millions of years ago. If we are able to travel faster than the speed of light, would it be possible to travel so far away that you could actually witness the creation of our own solar system? We

Butters...I am worried that you even know the jargon...

Totally agree. I would really love to see demographic profiles of people who buy/play games like this.

Sorry, kinda off topic. What happened to Morning Spoilers?

Microsoft Excel. Helping people solve problems since 1985.

Ok. That makes sense. I was re-listening to it, trying to figure out what language it was. Lol.

Oh. I was just going by the list up top...

ROTJ is not on that list. ;)

Looks gorgeous. What language was used in the beginning voiceover? Lot of rolling r’s...

Eh, I have to disagree with Star Wars and Star Trek. The janky movement of some of special effects totally takes you out of the moment and reminds you that you’re watching an old movie. Don’t get me wrong; the effects were amazing for their time and I love the movies. I just don’t think the effects held up as well as

I know about all those. The after-kill-cam showed he killed me with an autorifle weapon and he was on the opposite side of this wall. There were literally no windows or holes. Unless his bullets curved or it was lag. Happened multiple times, not always with the same autorifle so it wasn’t a bug with that weapon.

“And you come in every day and you’re like, OK, there’s a line of like seven people waiting for me to tell them what to do, I guess I will just—as fast as I can—make something up.” MAKE SOMETHING UP?!?!

Well, that’s one less game in 2016. So far my excite list has The Division, Hitman (when it releases on disc, fuck the episodic digital release crap), Deus Ex, and Titanfall 2. This is gonna be a slow year... Hopefully E3 has some surprise announcements.

I played for two days (off and on, obviously). I would die from random crap. Like, the after-kill-cam would show the guy who killed me on the other side of the barrier. There were no holes in the wall so how did he shoot me? Happened time and time again. How am I supposed to get better if I don’t even know how I got

“It’s glorious cartoon chaos” — ummm, yeah. I never played a PvZ:GW game until the beta for GW2. It was basically chaos and not knowing what I was dying from. Maybe it’s just me, but I didn’t find that fun at all, regardless of k/d or other stats. Just my opinion though. I know this game is popular.