
Yup. For web browsing or anything else, this is fine. I was amused they tried to market this as a gaming monitor with 8ms.

Yup. For web browsing or anything else, this is fine. I was amused they tried to market this as a gaming monitor

Yeah, it still looks amazing. I’m just flabberghasted at how well the videos hid the rotors. Haha.

From the product description: “Ultrafast 8 ms response time”

From the product description: “Ultrafast 8 ms response time”

WOW. I didn’t notice that at all. I thought all the rotors were in the body and somehow he got air to flow through the top and out the bottom. Lol. Thanks!

Yeah, I’m not sure why that guy was surprised. To me, “Xbox exclusive” means XB1/Windows/Microsoft exclusive. Maybe because I don’t PC game, but exclusivity to me is XB1 vs PS4. I don’t really see PC or mobile platforms in there at all.

“...a brand new game “with strong digital live services.”...”

Ok, so I rewatched these videos a few times. To me, the impressive part is that we can’t even see the rotors. Where is the air intake???!?

What if you’ve set all your videos to never show ads? What happens then?

I wonder if they’ll eventually create a shared world (MMO-like) Assassin’s Creed game. The tech is there to join friends, etc. (ala, The Division). And they already proved they can do multiple player-controlled assassins (ala, multiplayer and coop modes in previous AC games). Just combine the two with a PvE world.

Yeah, this logic makes no sense to me whatsoever. Bruce is losing his marbles...

That ending tho! The look of surprise on Supes’ face! Great trailer.

Ok, so I get that Deadpool heals fast, like Wolverine. But if he gets shot or sliced up, how does his suit repair itself? (I haven’t seen the movie yet, just wondering if there would be bullet holes or if we’re supposed to suspend disbelief there as well...)

Not if you modify it to play mood music and give you the thumbs up when you’re done....

I think the biggest news is that they are giving away Alan Wake. What this means, imo, is that these titles are clear candidates for future Games with Gold.

“Are you ready for nearly two years of Episode VIII rumors? Disney has confirmed that the film has begun filming, following a brief delay last month as the movie shifted to a December 2018 release date.”

That makes too much sense. In the TV world, that doesn’t work. Just like how they always split up when they should be together. Lol.

I get that, but I’m saying he could’ve saved himself the money by watching his first Pewdiepie video on another Gawker writer’s Red subscription.

Haha. I think the difference is that Bungie unwisely caters too much to what people say in the forums, so they make tweaks to the game, then that prompts people to complain more, and cycle repeats. Bungie has no backbone, imo.

Dafuq?!?! “Until today, I’d never watched one his videos.” Yet you forked over 9.99???? Should’ve asked one of your colleague’s if they had a Red subscription and just borrowed their account for that one video.

NO. I meant people demanding new content for the current Destiny game. Of course, they’ll make Destiny 2 and maybe Destiny 3.