
Not to be outdone, Activision is announcing that the next Call of Duty will come in three iterations. Call of Duty: Vengeance is an intense, action packed single player and co-op campaign with a mind-blowing story co-written by Oscar winners and an ex-Navy SEAL. Call of Duty: Vengence Versus contains all the fan

That would be an epic story indeed! Rey turns to the dark side, fueled by loneliness, sadness, and anger at her being abandoned on Jakku at a young age. Kylo realizes he’s been used by Snoke (maybe secretly overhears a conversation he shouldn’t...), feels remorse at what he did in the first movie, and seek redemption.

HAHA. That is so true. It is much quicker, more discete, and easier to read through something than to sit through a video.

Haha. Yeah, FIFA was definitely the most accessible for me. I had way more success in that. I have a couple of friends that play it a lot so I’m actually considering getting FIFA 16 when it drops and hoping they can teach me how to get better.

Kinda off-topic, but I just did the math just for lulz. My last laptop was around $1,200. 2016 will be it’s 8th year, but since it’s technically only been through 7 years, let’s use 7. $1200 over 7 years = $171 per year. $171 over 12 months = $14 per month. That is cheap!!!! I think I can afford to splurge $2k on my

Would be really helpful if there was a sentence after each bullet to say what the spoiler was in each of those movies...for those that can’t or don’t want to watch the video.

Yeah, I’ve tried Madden, NBA, and FIFA all from scratch. I gave up after a few days. I’m great at certain parts of the game (for example, I’m great on offense in Madden), but for the parts that I’m not good at, I would have to devote so much time to learn that I just can’t be bothered (I have NO defensive skills in

I do the same. I’ve paid over $1k for each of mine to make sure they endure in terms of performance. Laptops actually last quite a while if taken care of. I have a laptop from ~2001 that still works perfectly fine today (Win XP ftw, lol).

Hey, since you edit videos, can I ask what laptop(s) you use? Unless it’s an Apple, then forget it; I don’t like iOS. I’m curious because I want to upgrade, I do some amateur video editing, and I want to get something that will cut down on my rendering times without being too pricey.

That will be my explanation as well when Rocket League drops for the XB1.

Haha. I’m an anomaly. I rarely travel with my laptop and I take good care of my things. My turnover on laptops has been exactly 7 years. PC makers and vendors must hate me. Lol.

“Also why I’ll never be good at fighting games as this sort of intimacy with a game requires so much of a time commitment that you basically have to give up your life so that you can understand the ins and outs of each individual character.”

My culprit is lag. Yup. Even in shooters. It’s always the lag. Never me. Nope.

Eh, I’m sure Photoshop artists aren’t that expensive in China.

Ah, that makes sense. I hadn’t kept up with the news during the interim in which I didn’t need to install new programs.

You were absolutely right. I have no idea what happened. used to be my go-to place to download programs.

I would say that most of the time you won’t hear stories like this because people are too weak to admit that they made a mistake the first time and took someone else’s advice to make it better.

Apparently, so did all of my teachers. They told me I’m special. But I’m really not. :(

That looks frickin cool and fun as heck. Makes me want to go out and get an RC plane.

Ah, good to know. Thanks!