
Nice to see people making some new open world survival games.

I can’t wait for the HD remake of pong. The power of the cloud plus the upgraded graphics will make it feel new again... *eyeroll*

All companies need to list ranges. If we know something is way above or below what we’re looking for, then we know to look elsewhere. Instead they waste our time by playing mind games.

Why are you guessing no Titanfall 2? I would think a whole batch of surprise announcements wouldn’t arrive until closer to E3.

But...tampering with evidence...

Uh, one sexist manager doesn’t mean the whole chain is sexist. Will still continue to get my weekly e coli from Chipotle.

“4-6 maps” = one big map, cordoned off into 4-6 sections and given individual names. LOL

The multiplayer in the first game was amazing! Everything was so well done. The tools, gadgets, weapons, vehicles — well balanced and fun to use. Nothing felt OP. Controls were intuitive (unlike frickin Battlefield). Loved it.

“The plan was to pick up the trash (including some bodies)...”

Wow. Gonna tell the kids I got them a hoverboard with extra wheels and a steering wheel!!

“after giving them my actual address, they refused to give out any more information until we had a chat on the phone.”

It’s overhyped. But those of us who have been saying that since the beginning have gone silent cuz gawker brings this movie up a lot. They seem to love it.

“Fans often feel stymied by Bungie’s lack of communication”

We’re a week away from the beta of The Division. Hope you all are at least going to try it out!

(Shhhhh....the fifth one is imaginary....)

Just wild speculation, but I wish I could be there to see the public and scientific reactions if we discover life, but learn that it’s actually very common in other galaxies or other parts of our galaxy, and that we’re not as special/unique as we think we are. Lol.

The headline is a bit...confusing? Since The Division is made by Massive and is a Ubisoft title, I thought this was a post specifically on The

Yup. I would probably click on it a few times just to hear it say that!

“I was happy to be married to that woman.”

Oh jeez. This is the same company that made Battlefield Hardline...