
That’s a lot of stages. It only took around a couple of hours for me to acknowledge that Fallout 4 is basically just Fallout 3 with new story, graphics, and some new mechanics. Nothing really groundbreaking or amazing, but enjoyable nonetheless.

I’m not worried about this as the game is made by an entirely different developer than AC and Rainbow 6. We’ll see when the beta launches (whenever that is). The alpha was not buggy at all though.

Probably won’t buy, but free is free. Definitely will try it out. Never even played the first one.

The Division?!?! HELLO?!?!?!

I’m assuming everyone is trying to do this quest without VATS or on a melee build or something because I clearly remember doing this at a low level (<20) and had no problems. I didn’t even use my power armor because I’m stingy about using fusion cores (though I have like 30+ now, lol). I just prioritized my targets

I’m obviously no expert. In that video, I can’t tell what makes the yellow circled white spot all that much different from the other white spots, just based on my eyes.

Lol. Yeah, I don’t buy anything unless I know I will play it within a week or if it’s super cheap (<$20). I’m a retailer’s worst nightmare...

Lol. Yeah, I don’t buy anything unless I know I will play it within a week or if it’s super cheap (<$20). I’m a

Oculus Rift? More like Oculus RIP.

I’m a noob — so why are connected devices using different wireless protocols than wifi? Lower energy/data use? To prevent interference? ??

The x-ray binaries are probably victims of Starkiller base...

Motto for next/current gen consoles: selling you remakes of old games so you can buy them again!

Lol. You’re assuming everyone is driving. Also, it’s pretty easy to still pay attention to the road when listening to stuff, just as long as you’re not in a conversation. That’s when it can get distracting.

WTF? I know this is not literally what happened, but I’m still baffled why a copilot would unbuckle himself in the middle of a crisis to console a passenger when he could be helping to bring the plane down in a more controlled way (as much as was possible, given the circumstances...).

That sounds exciting! Hopefully that means the game will take place in an older timeframe than Syndicate.

Oh wow. Thanks. I’m going to look into how I can start that mission then!

“What’s with the kidnappings?”

I’m with you. It’s sad that we can’t dislike something/someone that is popular without people accusing us of being jealous or misinformed. That’s why I don’t tell people I dislike Trump for President; they might think I’m jealous or ignorant...

HAHA! I will probably have some fun hunting super mutants/behemoths when I am done with the main story.

I think I was way underleveled and/or underequipped (weapon and /or armor-wise). That was the one mission where I had to retry 3 times. No other quest gave me as much trouble as that one. It was frustrating. Lol.

I don’t know if what I did was an exploit or not. On the south west corner of the Common, there is a vehicle and you can climb inside the back of it (totally discovered by accident because I was low on health and needed a safe place to rest up). Swan can’t hurt you while you are inside apparently. So I would pop out