
Lol. No, ignore the tone of everyone else’s responses because they are the ones reaching for something that I did not suggest or say. I am not arguing that he shouldn’t be white. I am not a Trekkie and was curious if there was anything in the lore that suggested why he couldn’t be white. You provided a logical answer:

Thank you for answering my question with that background info!

That’s a more logical explanation. Thanks!

I completely agree with you, but that’s a whole different issue.

Lol. I don’t care that much honestly. I was just curious if any old ST episodes/stories referenced anything that would suggest he can’t be white. Plus I just find it amusing that in this day and age, people (not you personally, people in general) still make generalizations based on names. I know plenty of people whose

I’m confused why we are all basing his background on just his name though. He or an ancestor of his could’ve been adopted, a female ancestor from Great Britain could have married a Singh... there are endless possibilities to explain his background. Plus wasn’t he genetically altered as well...??

Doh! Thanks. Yeah, I totally didn’t click on the link nor read the full title. Lol.

Doh! Thanks. Yeah, I totally didn’t click on the link nor read the full title. Lol.

I don’t understand why this is whitewashing issue. Is Khan supposed to be a specific race? Notwithstanding his name, which doesn’t mean a thing because it’s totally possible for names changes, re-marriages, and adoptions to make that meaningless.

Now playing

Hmmm, I’m not sure about the power armor bit. I assume it would still work, but I haven’t tried.

OMG. Didn’t even know something like these existed. Lol.

OMG. Didn’t even know something like these existed. Lol.

How would you even clean the inside of these?!?!

How would you even clean the inside of these?!?!

But... how are the boards smart? They don’t do any thinking or processing. They just balance and go where you lean. If they self-navigate to me and brought me a cold drink whenever I whistled, then yes, I’d start calling them smart boards.

Why is Disney even working on this?!?!

“The opening sequence could have spoofed the start of A New Hope... where a star destroyer soars over a planet...”

Seriously, if the infrared video can show the general location of the leak, just dump some dirt on it, then slowly try to find and fix the source of the leak. Don’t just leave it there ffs.


They are using just 824 people to represent the opinions of 319 million people in the US?!?! I know they can’t poll everyone, but just 824?

There’s no such thing as “pointless” nudity!!!!!

Oh yeah, it all makes sense to me. I just think there needs to be a better phrase than “fast casual.” I mean, McD’s seems pretty casual to me. When people can just stroll in wearing flip flops and crying

I blame Bungie for listening to the stupid whinings of the few on their forums and on reddit. Those forums represent a small % of the gaming population and yet Bungie caters to them. Result: nerfing everything to oblivion such that crucible isn’t even fun anymore.