
Burning?!?!?! WTF. Didn’t realize there were so many witches around still....

To clarify, “use the building menu to transfer it to your storage” as opposed to dumping your junk via the Transfer function at any workstation? After using the building menu, I assume we can still access our stuff through any workstation at that settlement?


The post is pointing out a site where you can get data on gun deaths/injuries. I personally don’t see how this is an opinion piece.

Halo 5 CE —> from $250 to $99?!?!!? In just 1+ month?!?! Wow.

Halo 5 CE —> from $250 to $99?!?!!? In just 1+ month?!?! Wow.

Invites went out to some people who preordered the game. The beta is scheduled for early 2016 (presumably, January or February) so make a preorder if you’re interested (you can always cancel if you don’t have the money or if you change your mind).

Agreed. I canceled a surprising number of preorders due to lackluster betas.

I would add the alpha of The Division as the best surprise of 2015 for me. After so much radio silence from the developers, I was expecting this game to be bad or mediocre at best. The alpha was phenomenal!!! Under NDA so can’t talk specifics, but it was everything and more than what I was expecting.

Heists have worked fine for me. I only had issues that first week they were released. Haven’t had major issues since. Occasionally, I would get stuck at the end screen after a heist, but that’s about all the bugs I’ve seen.

PS4/XB1 versions were $25 at Walmart and $35 at other places. I ended up getting mine from Best Buy because I get 20% discount (so $28) and there are no Walmarts near me.

Does it work on the behemoths (sorry if it was answered in the videos; I can’t watch them)?

Agreed. I’m obviously behind the news since I didn’t know it was announced already earlier in the year, but the two sites seemed to have their own unique niche in my mind. This combo just feels weird.

I don’t know enough so say definitely, but pretty sure that GTA6 won’t be for a long time. They recently hinted that they were working on RDR followup. That will probably release first before GTA6.

It’s super popular. Was $25 on Black Friday.

Wow. I’d like to think I’m not a pessimist, but no one brought up the potential terrorism angle with this?! That small size means it can sneak by more places than a typical quadcopter....even ten minutes of airtime means it can reach a high profile target or location and still give the a*hole plenty of time to get

You might not be watching the video in HTML5, but in Flash. Just a guess...

Lol. I was not being serious. It was more a comment on how frickin realistic those eyes are. But everyone seems to be taking me seriously

He can paint eyes that look real, yet we are on “next gen” consoles and character models still look like they are staring off into space.

I was going to say the same, but they did qualify it with “one of the best,” not necessarily “THE best.”

I was going to say the same, but they did qualify it with “one of the best,” not necessarily “THE best.”

Same people who are still using Internet Explorer...

Same people who are still using Internet Explorer...