
Why did no one tell me this earlier?!?!?! Bungie better not patch this before I get home. Lol.

Does anyone know if they included the option to disable vibration for XB1 players? That was one of the many reasons I cancelled my preorder. The beta didn’t have that option.

I only played the beta, but yeah, it was depressing and monotonous knowing that every time you started up the game, it was always going to be nighttime.

What you don’t see are the countless hours they spent practicing and setting up each of these. Looks neat, sure, but I ain’t spending my time doing that.

“Some of these proposed structures are creating tension between the developers and locals, who point out that they pollution on holidays when relatives visit their loved ones’ niches to burn offerings.”

I wasn’t complaining about this site. I was surprised the people behind movie gave up that reveal. Would’ve been more cool if they kept their mouths shut. I like how Abrams and Hamill have kept mum about why Luke is not featured on the movie poster. We can figure it out for ourselves when we watch the movie.

Really?!?! Did they really have to tell us it was a dream sequence? It would’ve been more cool to have our suspicions confirmed by actually watching the movie itself.

Nice! Thanks! Now for the furniture to make it even more

Can’t wait to see what the insides might look like!!

“Just imagine it: You have this cool job at Konami...because of decisions made 5,000 miles away, everyone on the internet hates you.... It’s gotta be emotionally exhausting, if not straight-up psychologically damaging.”

By infinite bullet, do you mean the infinite $ glitch? If not, please enlighten me! :) I’m too late in the game to do the You’re Special glitch, but I’m abusing the heck out of the $ one. Contrary to what people say, imo, it doesn’t ruin the experience for me at all; it just cuts down drastically on the amount of time

It’s getting harder and harder to defend this game... My hopes for this game actually being good is dwindling. I know it’s just a delay in the beta date and doesn’t say much about the game itself, but I’m starting to get convinced that they don’t have their shit together with the lack of news and promos on top of

Uh...really? It doesn’t do that for me. The thing I find annoying is that it makes us play the same strike 3 times in a row sometimes. That’s just dumb.

Yup. I used to do nightfalls religiously. Stopped when I hit 310+. It kept dropping stupid 290 light ghosts for me when I already have 315+ ghosts. And already have all the exotics so there’s no point in doing that, not to mention 3 of coins is a much easier way of getting exotics.

There’s a JETPACK in the game?!?!?!?! OMFG. I’m at level 30 right now. Definitely going all-Jetsons if I can get a high enough level.

I could be wrong, but I wouldn’t think Bungie would increase PoE levels. They were designed specifically with year 1 content in mind and then they would have to re-tool the whole rewards system. Like, the rewards would have to be comparable to the level you are playing so they’re now going to bring back Her

Hmmm, I guess. You can still play the year 1 strikes in their own separate playlist. The Taken King strikelists are meant to be played with Taken King content/weapons/etc. so I think that’s why year 1 strikes are not included. But I see what you’re saying. Would definitely add more variety.

Huh? PoE has never gone away. And what’s wrong with the strike playlists?

That’s actually what I meant and exactly what I do. It helps to see what kind of enemies you are facing first, and it sometimes tags enemies that you may not have even noticed.

Pot shots? I have never shot at a mannequin. Am I the only one who activates VATS just to see if there are enemies nearby first BEFORE I shoot? It’s also handy for spotting mines and traps before you are near them.