
I can totally relate. I feel like I’ve been in the military, too. Years of playing Call of Duty and Battlefield... the horrors I’ve witnessed...the horrors...

“Player intentionally and repeatedly gets their hero killed in order to anger allies or feed XP to the enemy team.”

It is if you put “not” in front of each of those words. *zing*

This. Even if I was frivolous with my money and a huge Destiny fan, I would not get this book. It would just remind me of how disappointing the actual game really looks in comparison.

I give the award for best looking game to GTA5. Even with such limited hardware on the 360/PS3, the game looks frickin amazing! And no load screens either when you are travelling? Definitely got Destiny beat.

Haha. Yeah, his voice always took me out of the moment when I was playing Ground Zeroes. I kept thinkin, here’s Jack Bauer...

I hear ya. Another reason people might skip this: it’s going to be very easy for people to troll you. For example, that ogre who loses his shield only when damaged by a cursed thrall? A random troller could deliberately kill all the cursed thralls so you never get a chance to damage the ogre, forcing the time limit to

Agree with the other guy. Amazing game.

Agree with the other guy. Amazing game.

Wait — is this a real, non-altered, non-timelapse photo? I thought the Milky Way can’t be seen like that without some sort of timelapse or digital altering?

I think randoms will help out because there’s a chance you do get loot, but it’s only the one person who sacrifices the rune who will get “good” (the better?) loot. Still, if you are in a fireteam of 3, that will get super grindy trying to get everyone their good loot, and trying to get the runes to drop as you said.

Yes, I’m definitely excited for the variety of activities. I just feel like they made a slight mistake here with the public events in terms of the grind involved. They should change it so everyone in your fireteam gets the good loot, not just the one person sacrificing the rune, but keep it so that public/random

A lot of things should’ve been in the game a year ago...that’s why this is called a beta.

Yeah, my time on this game has steadily decreased and will continue to do so. Now that I know year 1 stuff can’t be ascended, I have no interest in collecting year 2 stuff because I know with each DLC/expansion/new game, they will be obsolete anyways. I’m only going to get whatever gear is necessary to successfully

Yeah, that part is kinda weird. I guess they can explain it away by saying it’s an energy weapon and needs to be charged, that the sword itself does no damage to enemies without the charge. ?

I AM looking forward to playing this, but if you step back from the hype and think about it, it will end up being a bore like POE. Think about it — only the person sacrificing the rune will get good loot. They need to do THREE tier ones to unlock tier two. Then they need to do THREE tier twos to unlock tier three. So

“United Launch Alliance launch”

“Sources say Spielberg commanded his rich director’s fee for Jurassic World — a percentage of profit worth tens of millions of dollars — from which he then paid helmer Colin Trevorrow”

Where’s the expected opening sentence? How about: “For those of you still playing Destiny, the most expensive beta ever, a quick reminder, in case you have a few gold chests left to find.”

Haven’t been to a McD’s in years. Is it just me or do their food taste fake? The buns don’t seem like real bread, the eggs don’t seem like real eggs...but dang, I remember those fries being delicious!