
What do we eat that would create gold-rich particles?

Thanks for reminding me about DLC. I haven't really been paying attention, though I'm aware this game has had good reviews and, having played the other DA games, I was definitely looking forward to getting Inquisition eventually. Now that I'm reminded there is DLC, I'm going to hold off on buying this until a

I couldn't get over this fact: Feminists United on Campus (FUC). That's the best name/acronym they could come up with, really?!?!?!

Umm.... what are we looking at here...?!?!?

I don't even know why it's even mentioned or why we should care whether the actors/characters are Jewish unless you're making a movie about Bar Mitzvahs or the Holocaust/WW2.

I see what you're saying, but I think it's good to be vocal otherwise you just keep ending up with mediocrity. If people didn't speak up about some of the stupid things in Destiny, they never would've gotten around to working on those. Also, this guy is just one piece of a larger team. Just because we say a game

My two cents, having played Assassin's Creed games, Far Cry, and Watch Dogs, WD is just a reskinned version of what's in AC and FC. Perfect example: want to unlock areas of the map? Climb to a communications tower and hack it. There really is nothing new I can think of that WD contributes to the gaming world.

My two cents, having played Assassin's Creed games, Far Cry, and Watch Dogs, WD is just a reskinned version of

lel?!??! Do people use this? What do you use it for? (urbandict had multiple meanings...)

They also hinted at next gen "remasters" of the old Arkham games. As if there are not enough remakes/remasters/HD versions already....

Those are all valid points. Even with the latest ones I've played, it seems like your character doesn't always do what you want/expect it to do and I don't understand why after so many years they still have not fixed stupid things like that. Like, you try to climb onto a railing but it makes your guy leap over it

"Now that's a version of Interstellar we would have really liked to see."

The environment and history were definitely things that I loved about the AC games. It was amazing to be able to see and walk around/through those monuments and read the screen descriptions, especially when most of them have been mentioned or studied in school.

Something I've wondered: do writers/reviewers get to opt out of trying out a game if they get tired of it? Or do you just suck it up because it's your professional duty to do it?

Fair enough, but it wasn't until I played the heists that it struck me exactly how weak the Destiny DLC was. And I paid money for that, too... :(

"Jokes wear thin on repetition."

"34 premium Android apps and games worth $105"

"34 premium Android apps and games worth $105"

I can't believe that's a cultural center. Looks like a prison. Narrow and small windows to keep prisoners from escaping. Lol.

I have one profile on my console. As soon as the console is powered up, it automatically signs into that profile. Is there another auto sign in feature I don't know about?

Someone sent me a link on how to opt out. I didn't realize you could. I never voluntarily signed up for 2-step (Xbox signed me up for it and I think I now know why). I will definitely be opting out!!! :D

Yeah, thanks! Someone else pointed me to something similar.