
You gotta have faith!!! Plus it's the only game that I'm super excited for in 2015 (cuz I'm assuming The Division will release in 2016). Once Battlefront arrives, I'm going next gen.

Good move. Once Star Wars Battlefront releases, any game releasing within those months will not be bought or played anyways.

Definitely what you said played a role as well. It is so frustrating when you know you're doing the right move, but Kinect fails to register it. Grrrr....

Sounds good to me. Now let's move on to some real topics. Who here's excited for GTA heists?

I disagree that this is counterproductive. Online arguing can accomplish at least 2 things: 1) get the other person pissed off, which may the goal of the initiator, and 2) provide entertainment value for bystanders.

This. Similar reasoning why Kinect failed. Instead of appealing to the casual masses like the Wii, VR will appeal to a niche group, imo.

I can physically count those little post- it notes. That means you're not using nearly enough. ;)

Well, this is a very good excuse to take a break from Destiny. Especially since last week was the first one where I didn't get a single exotic (#firstworldproblems since I already own all the

Sorry, as I mentioned in another response, that price is ok for a REAL watch. But this one requires an iPhone, so on top of paying for an iPhone, you now have to spend an extra $500-1000. Screw that. And this is so much more visible for muggers than a phone which could be in your pocket or bag. Now they know for a

Yup. That's kinda what I meant. I was too appalled by the price to write more initially. For a REAL watch, the price is ok. This doesn't even work without an iPhone, and on top of having an iPhone, you now have to pony up that much more money for this "watch"...Lol.

$500 - $1000 for a WATCH!?!?! Yeah, I expect a ton more muggings and an increase in hospital visits for bruised wrists.

Been smooth going for me. Once GCU is linked to your phone number, any time you buy, just give them your phone # and the discount is taken off automatically.

How do we know it's a star that exploded? Couldn't it have been a planet? 9.3 billion years is a long, long time ago. And that's a very far galaxy....

Seriously. Beefy female Russian soldier. Why couldn't she be Irish? Or Ecuadoran?

Took them long enough. About 3000 years. Jeez...


The power plants don't have fail safes to shutdown automatically? Well, then I guess my skills from Fallout 3 will come in handy...

Is it 2008?

I'm not a genius IT guy — someone explain how they can technically block HBO GO from streaming on a PS4. Does that mean every time a device makes a call out to the internet, Comcast checks the device that is making the call and what specifically is being requested? Because how does it know the PS4 is trying to

You get attacked by a kangaroo who has never seen a human Sailing is definitely a good alternate way of travel.