
Thanks! I'm a bit concerned about games that automatically activate this feature. Since upload is not automatic, that means it's probably saving the clips on the hard drive. I wonder what happens if I deliberately fill up my default/internal hard drive. Will that stop games from automatically recording clips? Or

Related: not sure if everyone already knows this, but I recently found out at Best Buy that your credit cards also contain some sort of hidden ink for fraud detection. The guy put my credit card under some black light and I could see wording on my cards. I never knew this.

I don't have an XB1 yet. Is there no way to disable DVR permanently? Are the videos saved to your hard drive, to the cloud, or to both? Unnecessary wear and tear on hard drive (which is why I turn off theater mode in the older Call of Duty games that used to have theater mode) and for the cloud uploads, I don't

This is a non-Microsoft/Xbox site made by a user/fan? Wow. From the layout and color scheme, I thought it was an official Xbox site.

Honestly, there are none that I can think of. If I really can't get into a book, I just stop. There are so many other options in life, I am not going to plow through a book in the hopes of liking it when I could just read a book that grips me from the start.

Crota's End Hard Mode doesn't really introduce more interesting enemies or force new tactics, it simply ups the level on the existing enemies to the point that even level-capped players will need a bunch of bullets to bring them down.

Honestly, I think it's pretty rare. I don't PvP too much, but I've only seen one person get an exotic from Crucible since playing on day one. On the other hand, I've seen 4 exotics drop during Vanguard Roc strikes since that playlist was introduced in December.

You know what the best Destiny gimmick matches are? When you aim to be the worst player in the game and get an exotic for a drop.

Yup, but in a bad way. Lol. I feel like that will happen when the House of Wolves DLC drops so I'm already mentally not attached to my Crota raid armor or weapons knowing that they will be made obsolete...

This raid looks like it was designed by an intern, imo. Seems like they mentally checked out, and just quickly hashed something together. The Vault felt more rewarding, satisfying, challenging, and epic.

Have you never played zombies in any of the Black Ops games? I don't know for certain, but based on what I've seen, it looks pretty similar. Just buy a cheap/used copy of Black Ops or Black Ops 2 and try out the zombies mode to get a sense of what you're getting into.

At quick glance, I thought this was from an Aliens game. What do people think of the Evolve beta so far?

Sorry, I was referring to patches in general.

You know how job sites have signs that say "X days since last accident"? Someone should start a site that lists days since last major game announces or releases a patch. Below that, there should be a list of 1) the developer/publisher name, 2) the game name, 3) the date of patch release or patch announcement. Kind

But why was this on Youtube?!?!?!? Who recorded this and then thought it was a good idea to put on Youtube? I assume it's someone from the dealership, but that makes no sense....

For games like Portal, where they nicely and gradually introduce you to new concepts, I make a reasonable number of attempts on my own before I start googling. I feel like they presented me with the tools and I just need some thinking and experimenting to figure out the puzzle. I'm ok with that. I might even take a

Yup. These are super annoying, too. Can't believe these things didn't pop up during play testing.

True. That was a good one. I wish they would've moved the exotic bounties over to the left which hasn't been used since the Queen's Wrath....

If you wear any armor piece that grants you the ability to carry more heavy ammo, whenever you respawn, you will have less heavy ammo. For example, you are carrying 7 rockets. You die from Atheon without having ever shot your rockets. When you respawn, you end up with 5 rockets. Something happens and your team

No, it's a glitch. They acknowledged they'll try to fix it, but they still haven't. Basically if you have any armor equipped that says you can carry increased heavy ammo, you will lose heavy ammo every time you respawn.