
Not really. From the patch notes, you only need one exotic shard per exotic weapon. Each shard only costs 7 strange coins. You can earn 9 coins just from doing the weekly heroic at level 28. If you have 3 characters, that means 27 coins per week, on top of the random ones you get from turning in engrams, etc.

Are you implying that Assassin's Creed Unity is not accurate?!?! That everyone in France back then didn't speak with a British accent?!!?!? :O

I can't tell you how many times people have looked or walked past me as I'm waiting for my health to come back. Lol. Some of these map have really dark areas.

True. Depends on how shiny this armor is compared to those accents I guess.

Ummm... yeah, because you totally wouldn't stand out with shiny armor like that....

Yes, I get it. It's an easy cash grab. Which is why I don't buy them.

Good point. The Halo MCC seems to be a perfect example of what you're saying. They remade/remastered the Halo games hoping to understand how the new tech works, proving they don't know how it works since their fan base after 2 weeks still cannot reliably get into matchmaking. Seems like they should pay us $60 to

I'll be the odd one out: I vote for no remakes. I vote for all resources to be devoted to making new IP and taking advantage of the new technology of next gen consoles. Not just better graphics, particle effects, and lighting, but things like huge open world environments with no load screens, massive online gameplay

Would prefer theatrical release of LotR instead of the EE...

Would prefer theatrical release of LotR instead of the EE...

That armor idea is a good one. People go crazy over that stuff. Flaming helmet from the good ole Halo days...sigh...

"we have encountered unexpected issues that were not apparent in our internal test environment"

"Xbox One Assassin's Creed Bundle ($330) | Best Buy | Plus $50 Gift Card"

HAHA. Family feud!!

Oops. Guess I missed that...watching the video with no audio... lol. Rewatched it and reminded me of how funny it is the cops always assume you're hostile when you just barely touch their cars.

Anyone else thought it was funny how the guy in the white car at 0:22 sprints away from the scene even though his car wasn't involved in the initial crash? Like he was afraid of getting caught violating probation or something....

You're right. It was F2P on other platforms, but it was just made free for the Xbox in case anyone else didn't know.

Defiance is free to download on the Xbox Marketplace. Haven't seen any huge announcements about this. (Never played it so can't comment on the game itself...)

If the probe had landed ideally, was able to get its 6-7 hours of sunlight, and "completed" it's planned mission successfully, what was the end plan for it? Just leave it on the comet? If so, will it disintegrate as it gets closer to the sun?

Oh, I thought it was 50 Shades of Grey....

Wow. I understand their timing, but that just seems so dirty and sneaky. They could've at least announced it much earlier rather than keep everyone waiting. What was supposed to be Spring of 2014 ended up being closer to 2015. Lol.