
Many believe the WM3 were the ones that committed the crimes. The West Memphis Three were found guilty once and plead guilty a second time last year instead of waiting for a trial.  Misskelley (one of the 3) confessed FIVE times, three times to the detectives, once to his lawyers and once to the police.  Both Echols

    Evidence of cult involvement:

A list of all the people Echols either told or bragged to that he committed the crime is at   This website links to other sites (like Callahan) to back up its statements.

This article repeats the misinformation about this case.  There was strong evidence showing the three were guilty.  They were convicted once and plead guilty a second time.  Misskelley confessed three times, once in front of his lawyer. Misskelley had been in legal trouble before this and was a street smart kid.