
So you're a lifelong fan of Kotaku, just an assumption since you just created this account to specifically comment on this story. What are you afraid that if you commented from you regular Kinja account that people will figure out who you are and you'll get harassed?

Would you like to walk around on a daily basis with the fear of being raped? I'm sure you're not gay, but if some guy held you down and had his way with you, I'm sure you would be fine with that right?

You're an idiot! How many messages have guys sent you threatening to rape you? You ever watch Shawshank Redemption, if your Andy how are you going to handle it? Just take it because hey you like getting raped it's no big deal right?

I'm asking this on your comment cause its up at the top, but how did the rest of the at bat go?

I read Missouri and Republican and didn't even have to read the rest of the article to know this was going to turn out bad!

This is obviously a walk on, everyone else actually has places to be or things to do!

its nice but i think Puig's was more impressive

Haha, Nice, gross!

Damn, I missed it. Video has been taken down by user.

And I thought Herm Edwards' low point was coaching the Kansas City Chiefs!

With my luck, it would come back with "I've had better!"

So...if you're single can you still use this app to collect data solo?

How are they going to cover a whole Golf Course?

Werth looks like Hemsworth that plays Thor with the long hair! Gonzalez probably doesn't want to F*ck with him.

Anna Kendrick is a straight up bad ass!

I thought this was going to be a UV protector for Tanning Booths and Nude Beaches!

And as always remember the real reason you're playing the game, wasting time on the john. Just don't forget to wipe and flush when you're finished.

Maybe they should have been thinking "This is one well developed 16 year old, maybe we should check this out, but in the meantime let's not give him $1.4 million!"

So what you are saying is that you didn't read the study and you don't flow way it says and even more Low T has never affected you, so what do you actually know about the effects of it on someone's life?

If that's the argument then make the argument against Viagra and Pfizer. It comes down to opinion, Low T hasn't affected your life so in your opinion it is not important, in my opinion it is since it has affected my life.