
I want your Grand Wagoneer. As it sits is fine.

That I understand. I’m at the peak of the hill. There is no up hill, I’m also on a gravel bank. We have amazing drainage. Were I in a different location, I’d jump on flood insurance. Being one of the highest points in town, I don’t think it’s really necessary.

I’ll be damn glad I have boats?

Very true. I am not at all in a flood zone. I used to do flood elevation certificates and elevation surveys.

I opted out. The insurance company wanted me to have it based upon my proximity to a river. However, I’m 300+ feet above the river. If my house ever flooded, pretty much my entire town would the be under water.

One town over from Thompson, or NH (where I believe he lives)? I’m one town south of Thompson, makes going to the races very easy.

Works for most of CT. Save for the northeast (where Thompson Speedway is).... We’re just a bit redneckish up here. No money, but we stupidly still pay through the nose on our taxes. At least we can buy gas in RI or MA where they don’t have a $0.495/gallon tax on gas.

Plugs and wires. If your car doesn’t call for triple platinum-coated bare breasted 8 prong plugs and adamantium wires you don’t need to buy them. Standard plugs and wires will be just fine.

Or maybe Cobra from GI Joe.... Though they were kind of pussies (at least in the cartoon).

Yeah but only for a week or so each month

This is why we don’t have a minivan... or any sort of SUV for that matter.

All old VW’s in the northeast have insane price tags. This is no different. Huge CP.

My neighbor had one. Best thing I can say about it is that it really held on to the pick ax they put through the hood and into the engine prior to scrapping it.

350 gasser, correct?

That’s how the Napa is by my dad’s house. The one near me is terrible, though better than the Autozone or Advanced.

I “rented” one of those from my local Autozone. Kept it. Worth every penny.

Is the electronic parking brake a separate part from the caliper? On my Fusion, it is. 3 torx bolts and it pops right off allowing the piston to be rotated in. The method Ford uses to release the parking brake didn’t fully work on my car. Removing the electric motor worked perfectly. No issues after doing so


This put a huge smile on my face.