
Response to the headline:

Damn right. You sit and be corrected.

Do you like scratches all over your trunk? The block and tackle lift kits is to be able to remove the hardtop by one person while avoiding scratching or stepping on the trunk lid. For two hale and hearty people, no problem. For the rich old geezers who bought these new: block and tackle works.

My first car was a 83 GL-10. I’d love to get another, but not 5k love.

Hell Yes.

I fit 13 in a 1983 Subaru GL-10, you could have gotten 20-30 brothers in an Impalla

So is it a vruck or a tran?

Thanks dad

Ford is generally replacing DCT’s when they have issues. Maybe give them a shot?

Conversely, I once had the sales rep or maybe the manager at Maserati of Manhattan open the door for me and a few friends as we walked by in shorts and t-shirts and ask us if we would like to test one of their cars. It was very cool of him to do so, to not have him judge us based upon our appearance.

It’s not a shared bed is it? I only ask because my wife is the jealous type and doesn’t like to share.

Your comment. It eclipses all others.

Could be worse... I once drove by a church where they were bringing the dead person out of said church and into the hearse. What was blaring on my stereo with all the windows down? AC/DC’s Highway to Hell.

Years ago I was really into the VW TDi scene. On one such outing with a bunch of TDi friends, I stopped to fuel up. The attendant wouldn’t turn on the pump until I told him it was a diesel. “They make those in gas too.” “Yes, but this one’s diesel.” “Okay.” When from the pump across from me I hear, “That shit’s


You forgot to put: Ignore:

I think you misunderstand. He’s a radio dj now.

You can get your private concert with Dee any time (if you’re in the Hartford, CT area). He does a radio show on 104.1.... CP on the Durango regardless.


This. I’d daily that with pride.