
Came to post exactly this.

Speaking of filling with blood...

I’m going to have to really mow over your comment. It’s quite punny.

Nothing special, but she was mine and I love her and miss her dearly.

It’s a toss up between two cars:

Didn’t know that. I don’t ever use the Auto button on my Fusion, but it’s good to know regardless.

Having your parents be friends/friendly with the local cops helps out a ton. I was heading home from my girlfriend’s (now wife) house late one evening and was dong 40 in a 30 when I was snagged. The officer takes a look at my license and insurance and says, “Your mom the school nurse?” “Yes, sir.” “Dad the

This for sure. I was recently pulled over due to not having paid an emissions late fee (yet) nullified my registration. I was very confused had had my dog in the car with me. Now, she was as friendly as can be, unless you reach into the car. I was afraid she might have bitten him. So I put my keys on the roof

True story. I hit 5 at once in upstate NY. My total is 6, all in upstate NY.

Those people are idiots.

I was going to post the same thing. True upstate NY is all bumpkin.

You can stream every episode on YouTube or on PBS / PBS’s roku channel.

Count me in there as well.

Thompson’s 30-40 minutes away...

Thompson’s road course is pretty awesome. My wife is related by marriage to the owner. It’s always nice to spend a weekend there. Even better that it’s right around the corner.

No, not at all. See Justin Hughes response.

Such an appropriate user name....

My then girlfriend - now wife’s first car:

Came to post this, was not disappointed.