No way in hell I’d ever consider that. Look at it. No carpets, bare carbon fiber everywhere. No thanks. You can keep it.
No way in hell I’d ever consider that. Look at it. No carpets, bare carbon fiber everywhere. No thanks. You can keep it.
Head gaskets fail every 50,000 miles.
I’m so glad I just sold my backup sled to my cousin rather than the open market. Since I picked up my Apex, I had no need for the Vector anymore. He got one hell of a deal as well. It only has 3000 miles on it (‘05). I can’t wait for this winter.
You actually can do finish sanding with a random orbit sander. You need to take your time, use almost no pressure, and use 320+ grit paper. I have pretty much stopped using any other sander other than my random orbit for my client work. I will bust out the Mouse every now and again with inside corners of boxes for…
Mr. Lexus Owner. Can I call you Lex? Yes? Great. Listen Lex. Love the car. It looks great. The wheels aren’t obnoxious. The body kit is subtle. The interior looks pretty damn good. Here’s the thing: the stereo sucks. Yeah, I know you spent 6 grand making the thing all integrated and pretty. Yes, it is a fairly clean…
I have a feeling my 12 year old son would NP this. What does he know? The Dumbass.
Came here to post this, was not disappointed.
Have you shopped insurance for a 16 year old lately? For my daughter to be the primary driver on my 2003 Audi, it would be $1500/yr. For her on my wife’s 2008 mercury sable it would be $1300/yr. All because the Audi is a “luxury” car. Never mind that both cars have basically the same equipment (leather, heated seats,…
I owned a TDi for 10 years, and know my way around them quite well. the Mini, not so much. After looking at prices online, they’re out. Daughter wants a bug regardless. It’s her money, she can buy what she wants within reason. The problem is: she sees pretty colors, I see potential nightmares (2.slo / slushbox…
Put the stock nose on this one, call it a day. It’s the one to buy for sure.
This. So much this. My daughter turns 16 in September. She has a $2500 max budget for her first car. As much as she wants my car, not happening. Current contenders are: VW Beetle TDi, Golf TDi, or maybe a mini cooper non-S. Something safe, slow, and that gets great MPG. That’s exactly what kids need in a first car.…
I bought my 65 classic 660 2 door hardtop 15 years or so ago for $500 (non-running). Sold it, for $1100 5 months later. Should have kept it. I still kick myself. NP, I suppose.
Wait. There were GOOD cars in the 90’s? Okay, fine. There were a few. Most sucked ass.
That’s the face I make when my son rips a nasty fart.
Dear sir. THANK YOU!
Such a tough call. On the one hand: FJ for short money. On the other: Former plow truck + Jeep could be had for less $$. Former plow truck won out this time, CP.
Pocket hole all the things!
At $2500, yes please. At $3500, maybe. At $5900? Nope. It’s a beautiful car just too much money for me.