Yeah, and while we’re at it, Sloan can fuck right off too. And the Vancouver Emergency Room scene is just the fucking TJ Maxx remaindered version of DC’s Revolution Summer of ‘85.
Yeah, and while we’re at it, Sloan can fuck right off too. And the Vancouver Emergency Room scene is just the fucking TJ Maxx remaindered version of DC’s Revolution Summer of ‘85.
Yes! It was looking exceptionally ‘frosty’ - like platinum - on Sunday.
Trump could sodomize the corpse of Ronald Reagan on live TV, and the Trumpkins would find a way to praise him for it. And within two hours, Brietbart would post a stream of hot takes about how Reagan was actually gay and necrophilia is a sign that Trump will never bow to the forces of political correctness.
This comment has so many stars, but is actually pretty wrong. I feel like I’m on the Jezebel version of a misinformed facebook post that has a ton of likes from racist aunts and uncles.
My favorite part of this article is where the author, apparently worried she might write an article that doesn’t have at least one veiled criticism of the Bush family jams one in despite it being a complete non sequitur. Apparently one cannot be a lover or appreciater of nature if one has “ties to the oil industry”.…
Argentinians totally did agree with the war, at least while they were winning. When they started losing that public support very quickly turned into public outrage.