Cascadian X3

Hm. Leftist launch a campaign to block off access to the inauguration while leftist bloggers claim attendance is low.

So what, your awareness of the idea of class conflict/anger against the political elite stems from “The Dark Knight Rises”, and Trump “plagiarized” it by evoking similar themes?

Jizzball doesn’t know what plagiarism is haha.

It’s always darkest before the Don...

Caliph Omar decreed that men rule public life, women rule domestic life. Some interpretations of this mean that women are to never be seen outside the house. Hence, the burqa.

It’s a stupid idea because while Merkel MIGHT stick to her word and start kicking out some migrants, German nationalists are going to look at their guy and know he definitely will.

“Faith” in this case means “adherence to Caliph Omar’s decree that women should not seen outside the home, as they belong to their husbands”, the compromise being the burqa.

Footbinding was a thing too. Daughters were taught by their mothers that it made them more desireable. How dare others impose their opinions on the individual?

JFK was a garbage president who’s legacy was saved by getting assassinated as a consequence of his inept global adventures.


The 50s were amazing only by way that in living memory, it followed two World Wars and a Great Depression. Before, most black people were sharecroppers, and a ‘consumer class’ simply did not exist. In comparison, being a homeowner with free access to I Love Lucy and Wonder Bread sound awesome.

Don’t worry feminist, Bill Clinton won’t be using his position of authority to have his way with any more young womyn interns in said Oval Office.

lol Huffpo, the site that predicted 98.6% chance of Hillary victory.

1: Shitty candidate

Democrats aren’t?

Yeah odds are good that Hilary’s 33K ‘yoga and recipe’ e-mails might be on there.

To Kill A Mockingbird sucked.

Because all I would have to do is get someone to walk into me to punish/grief other players. Unless a permanent support staff costing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year is created for the purposes of settling fraudulent vs. legitimate uses of this suggested superpower. Which it doesn’t sound like QuiVR can afford.

So all I gotta do is make it so that someone accidently walks into me and I can destroy their VR game? Sounds awesome.

Sounds like the most easily abused system ever.