
It’s the same in Washington. For years there’s been talk of eastern Washington breaking off and forming a new state, despite the fact that nearly the entire state is utterly dependent on the tax revenue from just three counties in western Washington.

As much as it will physically pain me to see it when it actually happens, I kinda want this team to start its inevitable slide to mediocrity sooner rather than later.

As a resident of the Seattle area for the last 26 years I can not only hear that entire screed in my head, I can feel it in my bones.

Excellent historical reference and a perfect analogy for what I assume being a Browns fan must feel like. 

If you don’t stand for the special song, the magic skycloth won’t freedom.

Woooooooooooooooo!!!! Minshew! Mississippi Mustache! Go Cougs!!

Wait... What just happened? I was reading this delightful takedown and just kinda blacked out for a second.  

The Expanse series of novels and TV show does a pretty good job of discussing the issues humans will encounter colonizing the solar system, especially in relation to gravity.

A racist old lady, in San Diego?! Who could have guessed?!

When is this fucker going to die of old age?

Seattle teachers wearing BLM shirts being greeted by a literal storm of pearl clutching “I’m not racist, but...” emails from parents was great example of the mask slipping, even if just for a moment. 

Upon arriving in our section, the woman in the aisle seat reluctantly stood up to let us by and in the most passive-aggressive Seattle way possible, reminded me, “remember, the game starts at 7.”

^ Shit bootlickers say

I’ll throw 2003 into the ring as a contender

In college we drank Busch Light, almost exclusively. Partly because it was $15 after tax for a case of 30 cans. But also because it has a cult following among students at WSU, where it’s known as ‘Pullman Water’. 

Look t all these people giving away their rib recipes... How can you be a truly mysterious master smokeboy if everyone knows your secrets?!

The post-Halloween walks of shame were always the most entertaining to witness.

Interesting factoid about Home Depot: IIRC, there’s only four different store layouts across all Home Depot Stores, and two of them are just reversed versions of the other two. It’s very much intentionally designed so that once you know the system, it’s super easy to find things.

I worked at Home Depot for almost 4 years in high school and college.

All of this is true.

These people are too dense to allow the burning light of irony to penetrate into their consciousness.  

Anyone who’s ever owned or even known a dog can’t help but get choked up by this episode.