
My point is the flag humpers dont give a shit about the flag code neither do most people for that matter. Using that reasoning as the primary response to them is disingenuous because it ignores the main issue that Nike and Kaep just gave them actual reasoning to co-opt the Betsy Ross as a symbol of their particular

Ok people appealing to the flag code as a way of not addressing the real reason why the sneaker was pulled is disingenuous hogwash. Lets be honest with ourselves here no one gives a shit about the flag code outside of not outright burning it. Why not just admit that hey maybe Nike probably shouldnt have pulled the

This is why people hate soccer.

It’s not like this stuff sprang up in the past two years. Where were the reporters then when this stuff was just starting up?

Youre an idiot. I grow weed. if i get arrested , DO YOU THINK I CAN BRING MY KIDS TO JAIL WITH ME IN SPITE OF A 38 year old judicial decision that says I can not? Fucking use facts next time.

Oh you mean the Fake families pretending to seek sanctuary while trafficking children? These people coming over the border are bringing kids that arent even theirs. The kids gets raped under rape trees along the way. Then they pretend to be parents to traffic the kids into the US. The older girls are sold into sex

Dont take your kids along when you break into somebody’s country, perhaps?

Well, the picture of a child in the cage is, depending on which one you are referring to, either a staged photo from a protest done by lefties or from the Obama administration era. Either way, it took me a few minuted to find out I couldn’t blame Trump for what was going on in the photo.

Well, the picture of a child in the cage is, depending on which one you are referring to, either a staged photo from a protest done by lefties or from the Obama administration era. Either way, it took me a few minuted to find out I couldn’t blame Trump for what was going on in the photo.

Amazing, that sports journalism, covering 80 to 90% male sports, geared towards a majority male customer base would employ mostly men. I mean, imagine if the majority of journalists writing predominately about women’s fashion were women....oh wait, they actually are! My bad.

It’s not just about the victims, but victim’s rights are more often (and rightly) covered.

It is a basic tenet of journalism ethics that reporters do not release the names of an alleged offender until there is an official release that includes the offender’s name, unless the alleged offender is somebody of common knowledge. Harvey Weinstein is both a person of common knowledge and also not under criminal

Don’t give a shit about...what? Journalistic integrity or the trials and tribulations of people suffering at the worst of humanity? Or both? Neither?

So why isn’t your argument about border security? The USA and Canada are literally the only countries that require minimal security on our borders. Mexico doesn’t give a shit, clearly, and we search for drugs. Why are you defending this guy? No, not all illegal immigrants are bad people. But they all are illegal. We

I think it’s fair to examine a system that is so successful at immigration control and enforcement that someone who’s been deported twice can somehow still manage to get back in and create a whole new life for himself outside the auspices of the law. There is nothing in that sequence of events that doesn’t make me

What’s a “Gawker”?

Gawker bloggers are prohibited from mentioning the illegal status of illegal immigrants who kill someone (or someones) that would otherwise not be dead if said illegal immigrant were not here illegally.

And how is that information irrelevant to the current situation? It’s also senseless that he was deported twice and got back in and (presumably) was employed. It doesn’t make anyone a racist to think that illegal immigrants are a problem.

Even PrimeDay posts can’t go without this drivel. Give it a rest, Francis.

Even PrimeDay posts can’t go without this drivel. Give it a rest, Francis.