It's not always about you.
It's not always about you.
Saints Row has two sorts of fans: those that preferred it as a slightly offbeat GTA clone, and those that jumped on when it went off the rails, full-on insane, and unreservedly bizarre, cartoony, and delightful irreverent.
I have been laid off from my share of game studios, mostly big ones. The story is always the same, "we didn't meet sales target", "we ran out of money", "we have to delay our game and we have to let go a few people to free up budget".
So I've got an idea. What if someone who had a passion for this subject (fair wages and treatment) created an organization that "graded" game companies and publishers based on how they treated their employees (particularly the programmers and artists who pull 90 hour work weeks). It could be kind of like those "Fair…
For about a month in 2012, before the rollout of Kinja as we transitioned from GEd, itself had no comments. The Republic survived. It would seem comments can and should be turned off until an effective solution is found.
Prior to Kinja, I headed the trollpatrol team for Jezebel, as many people here know. We dealt with rape gifs, violent pornography, racism, and harassment regularly, but there was a system in place with which to have it reported and dealt with. Banning didn't usually result in the same person immediately making a new…
Wow, thank you guys so much for writing this. To be honest, the mods have been dealing with this on and off for years. It's never been as bad as this. But back when we had main page abilities, we were able to remove the content alongside authors and tech. It helped protect our readers, our writers, everyone. It's…
I just want to write dude, not dismiss bloody rape gif trolls every day. It is the worst part of our jobs to hear from commenters that they can't discuss, say, a teen girl being great at Little League without some person boasting a burner account using the collective comment thread as a chance to harass people.
Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel. This is a place that takes…
It honestly breaks my heart a little bit that this post even needs to exist — but the manner in which this has been handled (or not handled, really) by HQ is pathetic. Not reporting on it feels hypocritical, so here we are.
For what it's worth, I want to apologize to our readers who are forced to interact with these violent gifs regularly. The point of Kinja is to create a better platform for discussion and those discussions CANNOT happen when you're inundated by such traumatizing material. It's this person's goal to shutdown…
What bothers me about this is that we don't record IP addresses so as to protect these burner accounts for people who might want to tip us anonymously about a story. So the company is seemingly placing a priority on making these hypothetical tipsters feel safe over the safety of the actual real live women who write…
The last thing I want to do is give this giant and troubling waste of our goddamn time the acknowledgment that is clearly so desperately craved. But the fact that I must suppress my pride and bring attention to this in a plea for support from my own employer makes it all the more ridiculous.
But Lorde? Having messed around with a demo that gave her "the sensation of being in a room watching a musician sitting in a studio", she said "It's like being in someone's filth, but on a pure level it's nice. Kind of like communism."
For that matter, let actually sell the originals. There's a significant demand for them, and I can pretty much guarantee that a lot of people would be willing to pay $5-$10 for a GOG copy (with PDFs of the old manuals and whatnot) that would run on modern systems.
2nd party console developer didn't release a PC version STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES GUYS, SOMEONE GET A HOSE, WE GOTTA PUT OUT THIS FIRE BEFORE IT BURNS AGAIN. stfu.
1. Think about how much of an indictment it is to say, "All the good jokes are in the trailer" about a movie.…
If you ask a bunch of folks which Star Wars video game is the best, more often than not you'll be told Knights of…
1. Of the myriad problems with Ted, Seth MacFarlane's flaming, masturbating fart of a comedy, the biggest one is…