Man, I thought you were talking about 180mph, not 180 degrees.
Can’t believe I’ve never seen that.
That reminds me of the NASCAR guy doing a 180 into the pits this weekend.
No video?!? All this foreplay with talk of keeping the sound, revving to 9k+, making sweet noises...and you can’t provide us with the climax we deserve by including a VIDEO??!?!?!?
It’s simple. These guys are living more in the minutes they run this race than you will in your entire life.
People don’t watch m/c racing for the crashes. It’s not NASCAR.
It’s been this way for a 100 years. I have no doubt ACU Events reviews each fatality and looks at ways to improve rider safety, but on a course like this there are very, very few options.
Nah. It’s no different from wingsuiting or surfing 80 ft waves or whatever. Participants know the risk and choose to play.
And on these cars a worthy powerplant and transmission are a waste unless you go through the expense of adding subframe connectors as well to keep it from twisting itself in half on a hard launch. The t-top versions of these cars had a lot of body flex, so I can only assume that the convertible version has all of the…
The look on Patrick George’s face knowing his Camaro crash has been knocked down a notch on the list of worst GM street car crashes at Belle Isle:
I guess it’s up to commenters to tell you to get a Japanese import with a manual so you can dangerously shift with with your left hand while either just not holding the wheel or using your knee.
After all these years, she finally got her payback.
“Hold my beer” is redundant. These are boaters.
Doug’s previous job was loading Honda Civics into the back of UHaul trucks.
$9900 is the down payment.