
Well, Ronda got kicked in the neck hard enough to knock her out. I am the casuals of UFC-watchers, but wouldn’t a trip to the hospital be par for the course when you get beat bloody then knocked out like that?

Did he say it was a legal obligation? Chill the fuck out you spaz.


I doubt he was going that slow solely because he was inept. Likely he was going slow purposely to be an ass and provoke “those gull-durn kids on their fancy-pants furren motor-sickle” into passing like that so he can self-justify his dickishness.

I doubt you would get Attempted Murder: Probably Vehicular assault or Aggravate Assault. The motorcyclist would likely get a ticket for an illegal pass, but that doesn't give a driver license for intentionally hitting someone with a vehicle.

“Sorry for passing you on a double yellow, I’d love to help pay for any hospital bills you have oh wait”

They’re not going that fast. The camera man is riding a smaller displacement bike, so it sounds like he’s really getting on it when he goes to pass, but you can tell by how quickly they are passing those mile markers and road signs, they’re not really tearing it up.

Looks fairly obviously intentional on the video to me.

...I don’t know that not wearing gear and passing on a double yellow equate to assault with a vehicle...

100% correct!

He consciously used his vehicle as a weapon.

The driver should be charged with attempted murder - but because he “only” hit a motorcycle, he won’t be.

I’m surprised that the asshole driver even stopped.