
Have been saying this for years. Now they can study if it's learned or just an innate characteristic leaving us screwed. This is just true on so many levels, not just physiologically but also physically and monetary. For ex: my boyfriend is clumsy always burning my pans or breaking a favorite mug etc. Although, I

Who wrote the title to the FaceBook post? That is some anti women crap! If you doubt me, read all the creepy men finally approving a Jezebel post. The article is funny without finding fault with the women who was cheated on. maybe her personality made him cheat... Hey maybe he is a complete Dick and that is why he

And by no means did I imply a women is a gift on her wedding night, that escalated quickly. When I was married I never even changed my name. what I was trying to convey is that drastic attention seeking behavior is actually a personality disorder and is like the author said, a red flag.

Not at all, and your right. However, I have issues with anyone who is a constant attention seeker. This can include a bridziilla. Things that are over the top and "look at me, look at me, I'm standing on my head." Type I find embarrassing. I am old fashion thinking the underlying tone of a wedding ceremony should be

Exactly, this is not about her but gaining attention for him. It's Becoming a trend. The last two weddings I went to, one man had his mother walk him down the aisle (literally threw a fit with the wedding coordinator about not wanting to just be waiting for her), and the other wedding the grooms did this crazy dance

This is sooo true! Many extra pillows and separate sheets and blankets. Just recently started doing this and no more cold nights for anyone while the other is wrapped up like a burrito (I'm the cover thief).

She hit it right on the head,when she states, there is another clinic a block away that helps abused mothers with their children right down the block. Why didn't they speak up, oh I'd like to volunteer there, or why isn't all their energy being put into programs helping struggling mothers. Well that would take real

I need a support group to deal with all the shit being posted by my non empathetic, entitled, white, conservative friends. Seriously one of my friends posted on FB that ISIS is funding the riots. Are you fucking serious!!!!

Headshop, coffee shop, or Portland.

I feel like I just took drugs... Did I just take drugs?

my 15yr old daughter sooooooo wants to pierce her eyebrow or various other body parts, :/ I find this less extreme and less permanent attention seeking display. I like the sci-fi look on the youths.

The most prestigious authors are avid readers of OTHER people's work. The same goes with inventors, scientists and philosophers. If you fail to study outside your own small bubble you fail to grow. These kids sound pretentious, narcissistic, and sheltered. Maybe they are talented as they are surrounded by talented

Now I feel stupider than these kids sound, thank you for the enlightenment. I seriously can't believe I missed that.

We did okay in California but I weep for the rest of the nation. I went to bed last night with a heavy heart. We should have had a Sat night social but for the Midterms, so we could air our grievences. Wine anyone?

Anyone remember this urine enthusiast from the show My Strange addiction? She raises the stakes on your urine filled cotton ball but instead drank, bathed, rinsed her eyes, and brushed her teeth with urine. She swore it kept her in cancer remission, although she does admit to not seeing a Dr in years.

Ohhhh Lowdy Lowdy....

I want my daughter to be BFF's with this girl, she had an excellently written and balanced editorial and I like how she doesn't let people including this Dad (whose phone malfunctioned and sent her insulting tweets) push her around.

I just can't even! These boys have important fathers, one a actor the other's father is in the same police dept that is investigating the case. The many victims of this case were first raped and then slapped in the face w injustice. There was no investigation as they were not contacting the victims. They were just