> Thanos wins because Quill chooses that exact moment just as they get the gauntlet off to go stupid
> Thanos wins because Quill chooses that exact moment just as they get the gauntlet off to go stupid
Guy in a match on Nepal asks him to not play Hanzo. Cut to scenes from unrelated matches in Eichenwalde and Gibraltar. If Hanzo had turned out to be a good pick in the original match, why no clips from it?
if someone tells somebody else to pick a character type, I always say “looks like you just volunteered”. The usually response is “im not good with x class” though.
haha yeah. how about something a bit less serious, but still well-done?
His Batmobile broke down with engine trouble, and when he got out to inspect the car, it was struck by a Toyota Camry, and then his own car hit him.
Disney has already announced that at some point in the future they will release the original trilogy on blu ray pre special editions so fucking cry babies stop crying about it....
There should be a run rule. if the other teams has 20 more kills than you then you get a surrender option. Got my ass handed to me yesterday and wished I could surrender.
I was in a match that lasted over an hour a couple weeks back in HotS. We got behind on farm and fell behind real hard because our team lacked a competent ADC (how a nova fails so hard, I have no idea). We ended up being behind by 3 levels, constantly under siege from jungle camps, and couldn’t leave our base or else…
I think it's more about tempering expectations. Probably 80% of my game purchases in the last year have been early access games and I never once felt scammed. As long as you know what you are getting into there's really nothing nefarious about it.
I assumed that she was that like matter plume that comes out of the gate when they turn it on.
Maths is the common term in pretty much any English speaking region that isn't North America. Believe it or not, we make up a rather small portion of the world, so catering to us doesn't make much sense. Also:
As a Brit, may Cornwallis' ghost bless thee, Annalee!
The US military has been using the M1 Abrams tank since 1980, and it's anticipated to remain in service until at least 2021. It's also worth pointing out that like the Abrams, the X-wings do appear to have evolved over the years, as the ones in the trailer have an entirely different wing configuration than those seen…
This one is actually pretty easily explainable.
If a design works, run with it. Look at our jets, they haven't changed all that much in 30-40 years, and they'll look mostly the same in 50. I would have been more bummed if they looked drastically different.
Lousy Smarch weather.
Thats my second favorite apocalypse after the highly contagious perpetual orgasm virus.
-10 points, because america is not the center of the world.