
they just chose the wrong screenshot is all. not a big deal.

I'm always polite when I say no. But I do only say it once before hanging up. :) a man has his limits sometimes.

more over why do companies feel entitled to peoples money, all while trying to not really provide shit??????????????????

Oh I'm not defending that employer by any means. Those people were well within their rights to yell at us. I'm just saying it's not a fun job by any means dealing with people on the phones (I also did a fair amount of incoming support after that too).

There's making your voice known as an upset consumer and voicing your concern, and there's shouting in an angry tirade at some poor sap on the customer service line who is in charge of no decisions anywhere, anyhow. The latter doesn't accomplish anything except making you look like an ass.

"individual had the right to bear arms because without a means to resist tyranny and violence you can never be free."

I don't drive a car because it's dangerous, unhealthy, expensive, and where I live, completely unnecessary. Guns are also dangerous, unhealthy, expensive and completely unnecessary. Guns are for killing with, regardless of whether or not most people survive being shot. America's fascination with and insistence on gun

You know, the fact that what you just posted sarcastically (I assume?!) is the way many people think is what is so terrifying.

"So why are guns so special?"

In Nazi Germany, the people owned guns! Lots and lots of guns. Did they overthrow Hitler? Hell no. Most of them supported him. In addition, some very well armed people attempted to overthrow Hitler and failed (go look up Erwin Rommel). The Warsaw Ghetto held out for less than a month against the Nazi military.

Well in the case of Nazi Germany, the Germans had the chance to completely avoid the horrors of WW2 if they had simply never voted Hitler into a position of considerable power. In case of Communist regimes, there generally never was a democratic process in place to avoid this to begin with. Obviously, the democratic

Yes, here we are once again with the totally not-equivalent "people drive cars irresponsibly, too" equivalency. Let's repeat:

That's amazing. I wonder how those incidents compare, statistically, with the millions of fucking people who shop every goddamn day without being attacked in a parking lot? I'd say they are a drop in the fucking bucket. Rare enough to not require a firearm, loaded and in your purse, next to a fucking 2 yr old in

Fuck you, asshole. The US is not the most democratic state in the world and the rest of us do just fine without firearms in the hands of every fucking shopper at a WalMart.


Oh, so only people who believe what you believe in deserve to be in the US? Nope. You don't believe in freedom.

Plenty of non-leathal weapons will stop someone who is trying to hurt you RIGHT NOW. Mace, tazers, and baseball bats come to mind. Self-defense classes, as well. And you can get fit while you learn to protect yourself.

By all means, share some actual statistics showing that children are safer in a home with guns. Every statistic I have read, everywhere, speaks to the contrary. You are speculating, but I don't think any of your assertions are true. Statistically speaking, children are safer in a home without guns. I am not making the

Here's why: New Years Eve sucks.

Partying has drunk obnoxious people. Staying at home has masturbation and video games.