Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.
Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.
Why is it when people decide for a simpler less-complicated life, it’s when they’ve already reached a level of financial success that makes this decision possible. I love people who are like “I made millions as a ______ but one day I realized it wasn’t making me happy anymore, so now I live in a tiny house and am self…
Pretty sure once you start sending certain ethic groups to “re-education” camps blindfolded where they are subjected to numerous injustices and likely have their organs harvested, while implementing a social credit system that punishes those who step out of line politically, kidnap someone who stands against the…
They most certainly have that right.
NBA: Bends over backwards and gets down on their knees to make China feel better after a GM expresses support for Hong Kong.
offends a portion or group of the public,
Same reason they all have shins despite regularly jumping off 10ft+ platforms and falling down 5 story pits in full armor.
You don’t have the ability to Google that? Seriously, it’s out there and it’s not obscure. I’d understand your inability to find it yourself if climate change’s catastrophic effects were not mainstream or easily accessible via a simple web search leading to non-sketchy sites, but it’s so available that anyone who…
You come off as incredibly uninformed about the world outside of your immediate environment.
This is an awfully privileged reply.
What’s the difference between your mom and a submarine? A submarine only goes down when it's full.
This bullshit argument could be made of anyone playing any video games, so if you believe that, then what the fuck are you doing on a video-game reporting site? I shudder to think of what other, far more fulfilling things you could’ve done with your precious and well spent time than read this article.
If only they cared this much about their own employees.
This is the wrong take to have. You are an in-bad-faith asshole.
Why on Earth would they not just require things be sent through a review process FIRST instead of having to be removed after the fact? D: I mean, I’m surprised it’s anime porn and white supremacy and not just dicks for days.
Are you kidding? Kissinger was awarded one in 73.
It’s true, he created a lot of injured, struggling veterans. Very committed. This is more of an industry award for veteran care.
As I wrote in the article, none of the Kotaku staff who’ve played the game have felt the need to buy a booster to play the game, get past difficult parts or have fun. I’m not sure which reviews you read, but it wasn’t our experience here. You’re upset about the game doing something that, based on the hundreds of hours…
But the game doesn’t do that.