
Its impossible to extract work from superfluid helium without destroying its fludity, and the device needs to be kept cold through a constant input of energy. Frictionless motion is not the sole requirement for a perpetual motion machine - planets in orbiting are essentially in perpetual motion. Literally all motion

It strikes me that you have a problem with people expressing negative opinions. Does it hurt your brain that other people have different values and priorities than you?

Perhaps, I’m more able to believe in the ‘apparent’ violation of the law of inertia (interacting with some heretofore unmeasurable mass like dark matter) than I am violation of special relativity. Although I suspect that when the dust settles, the EM drive is producing thrust by ablating some small part of itself as a

“your trip is not through true vacuum, and you’ll struggle to shield yourself from the searchlight effect and blueshifted ISM “

That is actually a more tractable problem than producing a gravitational field that moves superluminally. We have beam dumps on the large hadron collider, they manage to disperse the energy of

Yeah, we really tinkered with that Shuttle for 30 years. You’ld think it was a different vehicle by the time it was retired.

Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.

I’ll feel better when people stop buying ‘Cold Fusion’ nonsense from bad scientists. White needs to publish a paper with physical evidence - not a pile of hypothetical speculation that invokes higher dimensions and the cosmological constant, not a press conference to a credulous audience, - or shut up about warp

Prefacing this with I think this is a pile of not-even-wrong, wikipedia links the original sources.

Sure, and breaking the second law of thermodynamics is simply a problem of scale (Kardashev 2 != space magic). The barrels thing is exactly what beaming it off directionally is. You’d be invisible (mostly) unless someone was sitting right in the right path to see your heat dump.

Of the things I’d be willing to bet against, technology that allows one to send signals into the proper past - which is what FTL of *any sort* does (people say ‘oh the ships in its own space time and there’s no temporal paradox’ - but once the bubble collapses and the ship is out of its own original light cone you can

Maybe if we devoted our time to practical issues like sustainable food chains and biosphere engineering instead of magical warp drives and fighting over the last fossil fuels, we could stick engines on an asteroid and actually go somewhere. You don’t need FTL to go someplace else - Einstein and Lorentz took care of

Its not about ‘meta’-materials. Its about ‘non’-materials. Things that have non-physical properties, ie., don’t exist. If you can create negative-mass, then all sorts of things are possible. But negative mass isn’t a thing any more than the sqrt(-1) is a real number.

So yes, there are interesting solutions in field

But there is no absolute position - anywhere. Your only position is a relative one. The idea of being ‘stopped’ in time only makes sense relative to some one else measuring the passage of time for you. Since the earth was at your current space-time coordinates at the time you decided to stop moving in time, it will

“its IR output isn’t any more than the background radiation, and the chances of anyone ever finding you is miniscule.”

And how pray tell, does one accomplish that and still be bound by the laws of thermodynamics? All you could do is aim your waste heat directionally (at a MUCH higher temperature than the star was

The idea of free will is not even a question. Its founded on the assumption that your choices are made by someone who isn’t making your choices. Whether you are making choices based on immutable physical laws, or random chance, the will that is making them is still yours, you’re the only one who has any “freedom” even

You should go read up on Einstein’s train thought experiment again and think about exactly what happens in those other reference frames when the signal is received by the back of the train before it is emitted from the front. Consider wiring the signal receivers to explosives that go off if events occur in the wrong

White has failed to produce results indistinguishable from noise despite having NASA’s support, the right equipment, and several years to do it. This isn’t magic. You can either produce simulated negative mass and warp space time with charged metal plates and eventually create things that can send messages outside of

Considering that your perspective is a series of memories and beliefs encoded in the neurons of your brain, and we just copied that exactly, I suspect the answer is obvious.

The transporter is no different than anaesthetizing someone, cutting them into tiny pieces, mailing them to a destination on ice, and

No, its not (promising). Anything that allows you to leave your light cone is not promising. And to further add insult to injury, the White-Juday warp interferometry results, which should have been published over a year ago were indistinguishable from noise “but with higher power capacitors maybe we’ll see

Here’s the deal. Warp drive will never happen because it would allow time travel. In some reference frames communication with the proper past would be possible and that literally breaks the universe. Observers in different frames would see different outcomes of events each causing different consequences and on it