
In what game is the progression not to unlock more challenging content? The original comment is entirely a non-sequitur - is the problem a lack of cut scenes? Not seeing anything to like from either party to be honest. Seems like a shitty jab at the game, followed by a shitty reply from the dev - probably motivated by

I told you it was codenamed ‘Buttborne’ ... Project Beast. Come ON.

Afraid not, bought it digitally. I’ve been seriously stewing on this and came to the conclusion even if I picked it up now, I would still be playing bloodborne, so I’ll wait for a sale. It does call into question their release timing, but thats not my problem.

I have the SBG6850 - the DOCSIS 3.0 wifi-N router modem combo. In my experience, the wifi was slow and weak (internal antenna) and both it and the wired router dropped connections repeatedly and I had to manually reboot it get connectivity back. You still also only get 4 wired connections off of it and probably would

How?? Vicar Amelia you can’t walk around keeping tombstones between you and her. Gascoigne just kept trying to walk to me in circles while I used my trick cane to wear him down.

I don’t know if it matters, but I’m using the trick cane weapon as a whip, used fire paper - basically staying at range the whole time and dodging watching for an opening for an R2 attack. Also the pungent blood cocktails basically stun him - so there’s that. I found him easy. Two tries. Vicar amelia? Apparently I’m

I forgot all about LoU. Still waiting for that to show up discounted or free on PSPlus, again, after buying it at the tail end of the PS3 lifespan.

Like I actually said if you could be bothered to not read half-assed, the main storyline in GTA V . Halfway through DS2. If you’re going to uselessly snark at someone, at least make sure you actually read what the snarkee said. So guess whose post holds no merit.

I am betting on DLC that expands the variety of the chalice dungeons; additional tiles, more boss types. But no game can supply novelty forever.

Says you, assuming I had magical powers I doubt I'd be confined to Potter-England, let alone Potter-Earth for very long. The fact that time-travel exists suggests that the relativity of simultaneity is of little consequence and faster than light travel is no more difficult than going to the corner store.

I know, I’m really looking forward to the lower layers, I’ve only cleared layer one Pthumeru and run one of the root dungeons, now I’m working on Central Pthumeru. In terms of the main story, I’m beating my head against Vicar Amelia that everyone says is easy - I’m planning to keep farming twin-bloodstones and get my

Here’s the thing; I paid $60 for the original DS2 on PS3, which I promptly stopped playing because the PS4 came out and I’ve had plenty to do since then on the current-gen system - didn’t finish, probably made it about half-way through.

Now that this is out for the definitive experience, it seems really silly to go

Post misplaced.

And yet they can conjure whatever they want from thin air, so one has to wonder, why does anyone lack a decent wardrobe? For that matter, why do they even have money?

The one described in the Bible.


The building codes are RIDICULOUS and the ants, oh heavens, the ants.

"Buffalo University"


Its been the State University of New York *AT* Buffalo or just "University at Buffalo" since 1962.

You are aware that agriculture spikes feed with antibiotics - because it makes the chickens and cows bigger - in spite of there not being any infection in need of treatment - at all - and this is probably where a lot of these resistant strains are originating.

But yeah, its the boomers wanting antibiotics for their