Cartoon Fridaze

Mike Tyson returns May 14th, don't expect anything from the Venture Bros until next Winter

I feel this is was the end game Nintendo were working towards with the WII U, I feel this one is going the sell a LOT of units.

I think the "nostalgia" and Trump is reference to both his promise to restore America to the good old days (Make America Great Again) but also a reference to his outdated policies and backwards ideologies.
Great comment btw

I believe Turd Sandwich would be a more beneficial candidate for everyone living outside of Russia and Syria :O

Damm, was this a South Park review or a Trump roast?
I thought this was another pretty funny episode but i feel that the whole trolling a entire country thing was going to have a good payoff… but their was nothing except a mini (chuckleworhy) star wars parody and a segway into more of Cartman's story… this one did

ooohh, someone's getting triggered ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm guessing a country without a war criminal and a tax fraud reality television star both running for president.

I think Season 18 might be a return to form for South Park. The first episode was pretty weak but 2 and 3 were hilarious, I love the continuity, I expect great things to come!

This was probably the most adult episode of Gravity Falls to date, It dealt with a full grown man-child trying to get his first date in one week. Then he becomes addicted to a Japanese Dating Sim video game recommended by 9/10 basement dwellers. It was a crazy half hour, filled with creepy possessed animitronic