Cartoon Eli Manning

Ok. Will you in return consider how ridiculous it is to call 99% of any kind of music artistically irredeemable? Or the fact that you sound exactly the same as stuffy old people talking about rock music in the '60s? Or at least the fact that the biggest consumer of popular music made by black people is white people? I

Who left the door to the nursing home unlocked? Aren't all octogenarians supposed to be asleep by now anyways?

What's it like living in North Korea?

Religion was my favorite opiate of the masses in 2014.

I think it was intentional. Fewer people protesting and people around to see the protests. That was definitely the case in Philly at least, hope today is better.

RTJ is one of the greatest live shows I've ever been a part of, in no small part because I felt I was a part of it and not just an audience member. I would love to see them any time, but this week especially.

Shit sandwich.

I hope this means I can stop giving Pitchfork traffic if AV Club is going to post everything from them that I care about.

who you callin goofy, huh?