Carton Stanton

B+? This episode, like many before it, was nothing but a series of music videos. Screw the excessive music and rap battles. PUMP UP THE DRAMA for heaven's sake.

Well now how could this possibly have happened? Weren't people talking about the new thing called "soft cancellations," you know, when a non-performing show's episodes have have been cut in preparation for its cancellation? So much for that theory. ABC has just proven that pulling the plug on a new show before it

I actually wish Empire was more like Dynasty or Melrose Place because in my opinion, it isn't even close. As many campy moments Dynasty and MP may have had, those two shows also had story arcs where you often understood the characters' motivations. And they often had pay off on the stories as well. Empire focuses

I absolutely agree with you! That's what I want for this show as well, more seriousness and turmoil.

This episode was graded B? Wow! I would've easily given this a D at best since I was bored out of my mind.

This show is such utter crap! It's hard to believe that it could be doing as well as it is. There's no real character development on this show at all, just constant theatrics: Gunfire, bombs going off, high-speed car chases, etc. I'd take a really good narrative and character development over gunfire and bombs any

I was surprised that he was the one driving that truck trying to prevent the assassination of Agent Hoffman.

I think it's clear he's an asshole, although I'm not sure if that's the reason they want or need to kill him. The other part of this mystery had been stated by Duncan in this episode. Duncan said that if the president ever found out that his wife was the president's daughter, he would kill her. Why is that? That's

The MAIN question of the show's plot was answered. We know why the president must die. That IS advancement in the plot.

D+? D+ my ass! This was a great suspenseful and revealing episode. At least the question that people waited so IMPATIENTLY for was answered. We now know that the president must die for his bone marrow to be donated to the daughter whom he knows nothing about. Interestingly and revealingly, Duncan knew all along

It's great of you to notice. You're a smart cookie.

So, you watch the show so you can come here to find "funny" posts like mine? What a waste! Why don't you just watch Sesame Street instead?

And what demographic would that be?


Neither one. The show is THAT good despite the snarking that carries on around here ad nauseum.

Forget about picking on Hostages. It may not have the better numbers but it has a better overall narrative, interesting subplots, great twists and revelations every week, character development which actually makes you feel for the characters, and so on and so on. The Blacklist seems to want to rely on shootouts,

This episode gets a solid B from me. It was such a twisty episode. There's now a shady story involving the president, the first lady who's a total ice queen, and the first lady's sister. Social services are going to poke their noses into this volatile situation on behalf of Morgan and Jake, and get more than they

Disagree on the episode being an F, maybe a C? I thought it was a fun episode, kind of soapy in a way. Morgan goes to the doctor, the nurse finds bruises and suspects abuse. She calls it in. How long before the authorities show up at the Sanders residence to investigate the suspected abuse? Just like Duncan,

I think it's great! I'm loving all of the various character conflicts, and how those conflicts might have an impact on the main story in some way, shape, or form. Again, the upcoming previews look awfully promising. This is one of the better shows amongst a number of obvious flops this season despite the numbers.

That's nice! LOL. But my question to the OTHER poster was what does hate watch consist of? Oh, and you think that Carton Stanton is my real name? How presumptuous of you!