Catie 43890

Yes, like a typical harpy women, make sure you draw attention to yourself, because women aren’t celebrated enough for a biological process that sewer rats also experience.

Her taste in friends is sublime too. Take her BFF Woody Allen, known child rapist.

Totally. Maybe on her first show she can explain her loyalty to that pedophile Woody Allen

You must be the level-headed leader people turn to in an emergency.


Yeah. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact the entire Venezuelan economy relies on the price of a barrel of crude oil

What is it with progressives and their overuse of the word ‘should’?

Nonsense. All boys and men are sexist pigs, and you’re a misogynist for suggesting otherwise.

lol. Women end up in abusive relationships and get beat for years because they “trusted their gut”

Thanks, Debbie Downer. People weren’t upset enough. They need you to remind them of how utterly hopeless humanity is. Why not bring up the Holocaust while you’re at it?

Smart. Very smart. Cause marketing is great for brand recognition.

You're assuming she disagrees with what he did.

Why don’t you condemn them do using Trump’s mug?? He's a far larger threat to you than some dead lunatic.

Total jerk, right?

Behind every mass murder is a woman who supports him.

You live in Equador????????

It's my understanding that sewer rats are capable of pregnancy.

Indeed. Rest in piece author who couldn’t hack it writing sophisticated material or narratives and instead settled for terrible stories that would only appeal to depressed teenage girls with poor hygiene who were questioning their sexuality.

careful. You're thinking. That's considered a sin by religious folks.

I never miss being in the company of dumb people.