Catie 43890

I’m sure you’ll find sexism wherever you look for it because you’re paranoid. Never mind the criticism of her husband being a sexual predator and her standing by his side the entire time and doubling down on Bill’s smearing of those women he sexually assaulted.

Apparently you do believe in it.

Makes sense. Progressives tend to abandon their liberal principles in the interest of ideology. Glad to see you admitting it.

Men don’t talk. That’s something us whiney bitches do.

Really?!? Because that's all women whine about, how people say mean things to them. Where the hell have you been??

My shoes have a pattern that is irregular and looks a little like the tile in the guest bathroom so they sometimes blend in, so I totally get your point.

And perfectly apt considering she stood by her man as Bill smeared multiple women who made credible allegations of sexual assault.

This is the whitest think I've seen all day.

Again, awfully ironic these empathetic women can’t direct that empathy toward their own sons.

Good. I agree with you. You're right. I look forward to a day when FGM becomes safe and less damaging. Then you'll be okay with it as you are with circumcision.

Make sure you circumcize your son.

Yeah. I listened to it and thought about how ironic it is that most of the women listening to that piece circumcised their sons.

It's apparent you still don't disagree. I'm beginning to think we agree.

White feminists seem quite pleased with themselves that they took down a black icon.

Yeah. Seriously. Like, chase sucks. Like totally.

Its television like this that sets women back 40 years.

Yeah. No one cares when women are raped. And the sky is green and grass is blue and up is down, etc..

Bye again.

Right. You know what yesallwomen has turned into?

You cite the Huffington Post???