my thoughts exactly
my thoughts exactly
they both look gorgeous and amazing. Congrats to them both
Had similiar training last year as I work in local government mainly centered around if there was a shooting and it was pretty much leave the area as quickly as possible, don’t let your colleagues stop you from leaving, turn mobile phones to silent, know your escape routes wherever you are and if you have to hide to…
Yep lol all here for the same
yes rofl I kept thinking I’ve seen that look somewhere else
you certainly aren’t the only one
Yes I miss it as well and wish it would come back
completely agree. Loved Temple of Doom and remember seeing that at the cinema when it first came out
Not seen him live, but have first two albums which I love and think are masterpieces. Will have to check him out live
this was the same argument that was used over here during the Brexit vote. Stop immigration and suddenly everything will be solved. As one farmer pointed out that used europeans during the fruit picking seasons, no Brits wanted to do the hard work of picking fruit and relied on those coming over from Europe who were…
Looking forward to reading Katey’s memoir and sounds like it will be a good read. Recently read Grace Jones memoir and that was really fascinating and interesting to read about her life growing up in Jamaica, coming to America and living in Paris, working and living with Jerry Hall and Jessica Lange.
Same here, love her music and always listening to Work Bitch when I’m on the treadmill thinking no more. Turn that on and away I go
thank you, yes it definitely is the best seeing yourself fitting into clothes you couldn’t before and it pushes you on to keep at it.
thats awesome on loosing 30lbs. Yeah my portions size was appalling, along with a sweet tooth and a love of making cakes. But I kind of had to say to myself no one is going to do this for you
Congrats. Everyone has already given amazing advice. Definitely in the camp of never go to bed angry, always laugh together and shared interests/hobbies aren’t important as long as you support each other
Health & Fitness
thats awesome news
whatever it is it looks like its been dragged up from the darkest depths of the oceans kicking and screaming.
His face is speaking volumes, severely pissed off and not a happy bunny, whilst Merkel is all smiles and almost grinning. Would love to have been a fly on the wall in that meeting
I’m with you there. Sandi is awesome and love her style, but Noel and Prue just aren’t in the same league. I won’t be watching it anymore.