
When I was 17 here in the UK on a gay rights protest against the age of consent, which at the time for gay men was 21 (16 for straight people) and a piece of legislation introduced by Thatcher’s government called Section 28 which at the time banned local governments from ‘promoting homosexuality’. Luckily at the time

I’ve just started reading Layla F Saad’s ‘Me and White Supremacy’, profound doesn’t even begin to cover it 

The Witching Hour is one of my favourite Anne Rice novels and read it so many times, had me falling in love with the Garden District in New Orleans and I think at one point I even tried growing wisteria. Julian and Stella are such amazing characters.

Apparently AMC have bought the rights to Anne’s Vampire novels and The Mayfair books, so hopefully we might getter a better treatment of her work

haha so true lol

the Carla and Trixie Mattel episode was so good and loved every minute of it

the first song I ever heard growing up was my mum playing Islands in the Stream and loved it ever since and will keep on playing it

I’m in a small group with friends from work (don’t have a family group and don’t talk to them), there’s only 4 of us and were sharing jokes and laughing about it, but also sharing info about which supermarkets have sold out of items, tips for not looking like your panic buying and just doing a regular shop and what

same here toilet paper and hand soap/gel arrived from amazon just as the crazy hording started, so I was quite fortunate to hit the ground running. Here in the UK the shelves are empty of hand soap and toilet paper which is really surreal to see. Got plenty of gin so I’ll just drink myself to a stupor and whilst

The Thanksgiving series and making the perfect pizza were both fantastic and loved them. Love Claire’s series and could watch that all day and every day.

as others have said you’d been surprised how dumb and stupid some celebrities actually are. Reminds me of when Charlie Brooker did a show years ago about pedophiles and got these celebrities here in the UK to endorse fake software and gadgets that would protect you from them

For me this was the worst season, there was so much angst and over acting I think my eyes must rolled so far back in my head. I get that its most probably not aimed at my age, but the first 2 seasons were brilliant and really enjoyed them. The singing in the garage was awful I cringed and there was storylines that

There’s a fascinating documentary the BBC did some years ago called The Century of the Self about the Freud family and their influence over politics and PR during the 20th Century. It starts off talkiing about Edward Bernays who was a double nephew of Sigmund Freud, and as a pioneer of PR, in the late 1920's he

love the BA Test kitchen channel on you tube, loving their current making the perfect Thanksgiving series, even though I’m in the UK its been great watching it. Love Claire’s gourmet series and Molly are two of my favourites. I would love to work in that kitchen, always looks so amazing and fun to work in.

Completely agree, Death on the Nile and Murder on the Orient Express with Albert Finney both of those are classic’s that I love to watch and no remake could surpass them. Angela Lansbury’s drunken love writer is so funny.

Glad to see I’m not the only one who thinking this from everyone’s comments. It’s not like it was something Jameela picked up yesterday as some kind of cool idea to run with, she has been talking about this for years now. The sniping and tone of this article was really bad

There were couple of articles in The Guardian saying that a lot of the right wing groups in Europe have funding from Russia, and Putin would like nothing more than to break up the European Union

same here, this drama is more riveting and hilarious than tv shows

was watching the live subcount thing last night and was quite funny when they started playing the titanic song. Apparently Jeffree tweeted that his boyfriend Nathan banned James from their home and there;s been quite a few stories about his predatory behaviour

Laverne Cox looks stunning, I’m bemused by Harry Styles and not quite sure what all that is. Billy Porter looks fabulous and amazing