Happy Christmas everyone
Happy Christmas everyone
2016 started on a shit note and its going to end on a shit note. Loved Postcards from the Edge and this is just so sad :(
God bless Mariah, i love her in all her crazy and wonderful ways
I’m working my way through the Discworld series and currently on Book 5 Sourcery and loving them. Granny Weatherwax has me laughing so much. I also recommend the Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch kind of a cross between Pratchett and Gaiman.
I’m so stealing that word cockwombles
love this song and I think one of her best ones in ages. Piers Morgan is just a twat and should be banished to outer space.
You must it’s hilarious
oh god that video had me laughing so much when I first saw it. Epic drama over some candles
According to the BBC she’s been found safe
Yes completely agree here and Aerial as well I think is equally brilliant and just find it really nice when I just want to switch and let all the birds singing lull me away
Hounds of Love was the first album of hers that I bought and just immediately loved and remains a favourite. Cloudbusting and the Ninth Wave section are just amazing. Then I went to her first album The Kick Inside. I absoutely love The Sensual World.
i’d love to see the Mayfair witches books turned into a TV show that would be epic. I’ve read The Witching Hour so many times and love it every time.
i love this song so much, one of my favourites
fuck her and her family
that looks rather obscene lol. I might make that for the next jacob’s joint at work :D
I think it definitely had an impact and I think the media had a part to play in that with screaming headlines. Whilst a lot of people would read beyond the headlines into the actual story a vast majority of people would just see the headlines and remember those.
Thanks, will check the book out
I have a particular fondness for Jeff Buckley’s cover of Hallelujah
The Zhang Yichao creation is absoutely stunning and a work of art. So gorgeous