
Happy Christmas everyone

2016 started on a shit note and its going to end on a shit note. Loved Postcards from the Edge and this is just so sad :(

God bless Mariah, i love her in all her crazy and wonderful ways

I’m working my way through the Discworld series and currently on Book 5 Sourcery and loving them. Granny Weatherwax has me laughing so much. I also recommend the Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch kind of a cross between Pratchett and Gaiman.

I’m so stealing that word cockwombles

love this song and I think one of her best ones in ages. Piers Morgan is just a twat and should be banished to outer space. 

You must it’s hilarious

oh god that video had me laughing so much when I first saw it. Epic drama over some candles

According to the BBC she’s been found safe

Yes completely agree here and Aerial as well I think is equally brilliant and just find it really nice when I just want to switch and let all the birds singing lull me away

Hounds of Love was the first album of hers that I bought and just immediately loved and remains a favourite. Cloudbusting and the Ninth Wave section are just amazing. Then I went to her first album The Kick Inside. I absoutely love The Sensual World.

i’d love to see the Mayfair witches books turned into a TV show that would be epic. I’ve read The Witching Hour so many times and love it every time.

i love this song so much, one of my favourites

fuck her and her family

that looks rather obscene lol. I might make that for the next jacob’s joint at work :D

I think it definitely had an impact and I think the media had a part to play in that with screaming headlines. Whilst a lot of people would read beyond the headlines into the actual story a vast majority of people would just see the headlines and remember those.

she’s looking at him and thinking ‘you are so fucked and out of your depth’ and laughing inside

Thanks, will check the book out

Now playing

I have a particular fondness for Jeff Buckley’s cover of Hallelujah

The Zhang Yichao creation is absoutely stunning and a work of art. So gorgeous