CART Forever

Maffei (and Haas) better PRAY that hands off markets styled Trump gets Re-Elected, as Biden’s Justice Department is grandstanding like Bill Clinton’s did over Fair Markets & Monopolies. Don’t forget what Janet Reno did to then Giant Microsoft & Bill Gates over a measly BROWSER: “We are acting to preserve competition

not yer parents’ Jalopnik, did uaw take over or something?

some Musk H8Ters in here

F1 USED to be FREE...on broadcast TV!

R.I.P. Ayrton Senna

Faltering ESPN thought they could just buy their way back into Motorsports after dumping racing for decades to become the stick & ball sport gossip channel.

ESPN went into the trash after dumping racing and their great SpeedWorld show with the best C.A.R.T. and F1 coverage.

Sears Point road course is too small for open wheel much bigger than the little Skip Barber cars they used to run there, before the Euros bought it out and upgraded to modified F3s. The drag strip seems like it is the track. The road course looks like an after thought. It is insane stock cars try racing that little

Guess you have to start paying lazy Americans $30/hr plus bennies including full medical and pensions to guide robots since they are too wimpy to lift anymore because of repetitive stress, to get Detroit quality?

Let the U.A.W. bankrupt another American automaker, real smart.

Sorry Plopniks, the LAST thing the U.S. car market needs is another crossover.

Is it any wonder one of the record California Lemon Law awards by Norman Taylor was made possible by stubborn propeller heads?

Every German I’ve asked, and many Europeans have always maintained there are literally different assembly lines for US Cars which are substandard and would never be sold in Europe let alone Germany.