carter mulvihill

You know what nobody’s said on their deathbed? “I wish I’d worked more.”

To be fair the wife and kid probably wanted him to go back to work. I mean could you imagine spending more that a day with that guy?

Please stop posting old articles as new stories just for additional clicks.

I think part of what makes it easier to watch AP leave than Moss is that his fumbles led (more or less) directly to 2 playoff losses, including in an NFC Championship Game. He’s great, but his biggest flaws always showed up at the worst times.

Then I got hammered the next day and forgot to put it away. Ice Cream cakes are bad.

Got hammered once and woke up with this in my freezer.

My man in the lower left looks like he wants to party.

Easy Top row L to R: Poindexter, The Grube, Deb from accounting, “Slitherin” Steve.
Bottom row L to R: Chud, Nationally ambiguous name guy, ‘Stache-Man Jones, Squats and “Pussy Thief” Dave “the Eye-Talian stallion”

That could just have as easily been a picture taken yesterday in Indiana.

Wayne Rooney’s really let himself go.

Any of you guys have an Orwells take?

Dime Bags Two For One

Your dad would be proud at what an insufferable fuck you’ve grown into. Good to know you’re the only person who’s ever suffered loss in the world.

I feel for your pain. And I’m going to try to say this in the nicest way possible, but ... he wasn’t the entire country’s father.

He’s not having a very good season. He’s just having a better season than any he’s had before.

How do you not go with “Arsènepede?”

When angry, Arsène grows to three times his normal size, as long as he’s wearing a puffy jacket.

Pushing 4th is nothing new for Arsene.

Well look at the man with the golden fuckin’ sphincter over here guys.

Take it easy on the guy. I’ve heard he’s got a lot of personal ghosts to deal with.