
I wish more people understood that by buying Minecraft they are just enabling the developer to continue neglecting bugs and generally doing nothing while the modding community does unpaid work to make the game what it could be if Notch/Mojang had any shred of ambition.

"95%" of consumers pirating the PC version is quite an exaggeration, but would anyone be surprised if more people pirated the game than bought it?

No, people are definitely buying Ubisoft games; whether or not you think they are "shit" is irrelevant.

So how's that helpless oppression going, "99%?"

I'm sure you're not too perfect yourself.

"PC developers brought this on themselves with their games I can't play offline, can't let my family borrow & play, and can't resell."

He sounds like a douchebag, and referring to people's valid complaints as bitching is pretty unprofessional for a studio head, but he's kinda right.

Yo really? Wii really had some of the best games this generation. It's just a controller, there was much more shovelware on the PS2.

And man, is that game hard. I think some of it is because of the camera, but I went back and played that game recently and it made me wonder how I did it when I was 8 or 9.

Spotify is fucking awful. The player itself sucks, you have to have a Facebook account to use it, it barely reads the tag data of your MP3s, and artists aren't making much, if anything at all by allowing their music on the service.

So did 4chan, way before that.

"Unfortunately, it's that single line of code that could severely hobble any attempt to capitalize on this discovery."

Oh I get it. It's okay because he's not really retarded, he's just acting like it!

I've gone before and not even bought anything...I think it's just fun and the one day of the year where the mall is tolerable and not just filled with braindead mallrats.

That's fine, the only reason I have a subscription was to watch the whole original series.

The funny thing is that aside from the graphics, it might be just as good as the console game.

Can we ban these people? Seriously.

"....but if there's any truism through human civilization, it's that white people will ruin anything they touch if provided the chance."

Anyone that refers to anything as a "fail" (I won't even challenge your empty claims, like what makes Android a "complete mess," what makes Chrome "decent," and what makes Music "so so.") should not be taken seriously.

I don't read these Call of Duty articles much, but wasn't the same "stat-tracking" and "community building" available on the Call of Duty website when World at War came out....for free?