
@buddhatooda: What the hell? So I'm not allowed to like an album that was reviewed favorably by Pitchfork? What's your problem?

Does TIME itself award Person of the Year? I thought it was a reader poll, and last I checked, Assange had more than 80% of the vote. I'm confused.

Easy peasy.

I really hate Modern Warfare 2. Also, every person that plays it sounds like Eminem (or in this particular case, Ali G)

@illiniphase4: While I stand corrected on the type of gunship being operated in the video, the soldiers still showed inexcusable conduct, saying things like "C'mon buddy, all you gotta do is pick up a weapon," "They just ran over a body! Haha!" and "Well they shouldn't have brought their kids to battle."

EDIT: Nevermind.

@RedRaptor: Let me refresh your memory. The man with the camera was the one mistaken for carrying an RPG. And also, three things:

Man, do Arcades suck now. The Namco arcade in my mall sold all their cabinets to the movie theater and bought claw machines, and closed down shortly after.

@214w: I mean "breaking" by confirming a game's existence or release date/window. I know they're just teaser trailers, but these teaser trailers accompany big announcements.

@evil_johnny_666: There's a difference between wanting pretty graphics and not wanting to play the same game I've played four times.

What in the fuck is wrong with these people? "ISN'T THAT LIKE THE IPAD? APPLE APPLE APPLE APPLE APPLE"

@bjmckenna: I completely agree. Either Google is experiencing an insane peak in Android phone buyers, or they're just straight exaggerating. I'm more inclined to believe it's the latter.

@skt.smth: You know, you could actually contribute something to the conversation, or just not comment at all. "You're crying you're crying you're crying ha ha ha ha ha" is absolutely childish and shouldn't be a comment made by someone with a star. With my amazing psychic powers, I predict your next response is "U mad"

Wait, it's the Jews revolting against the Nazis? What's wrong, then?

No new engine, no buy.

This just in; people still starving and homeless!

In all seriousness, I hope Zynga's studios are burned to the ground, but to be fair, the only people you can blame are the idiots that made them rich in the first place.