
It's my favourite as well. It just has this unsettling feeling to it and at the time it really felt like something different. The tone always reminded me of Belushi and Aykroyd's Neighbors for some reason. Not the content so much just the feel of it. I really love this film a lot.

I loved this film when it came out and I love it still today. Definitely an under appreciated gem. Just watched the clip above and forgot how great Owen Wilson is in that scene.

I am sure a hundred people have said this already but Captain Trips was spray painted on a building in the alternate future

They are together in the interrogation timeline right? She was calling Noah? Fuck I dunno. Good show though.

I liked the show but boy oh boy it had the worst continutiy of ALL time.

And Paul was actually really good as the horror director in the opening scene. wish he had pursued more acting gigs. As you can see by my avatar he is the worlds greatest man.

That is how bad they are now…I really couldn't tell if this was real or not.

All my problems with the film would be impossible to talk about without spoilers but I will say that as big summer blockbuster type film its great. But for me personally as a Batman fan its way too big. I prefer smaller "detective" Batman stories. This thing is epic.
The only warning I will give is be prepared to

All my problems with the film would be impossible to talk about without spoilers but I will say that as big summer blockbuster type film its great. But for me personally as a Batman fan its way too big. I prefer smaller "detective" Batman stories. This thing is epic.
The only warning I will give is be prepared to