Drew Wilson

In the same way all Camrys are supposed to have a weird dent. It’s designed from the factory that way.

I have had an Altima for 3 weeks because my wife’s car got hit and I think Richard Hammond’s quote about the Morris Marina works here.

Plus you get to say, “Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaadenza!” like George.

Unmodified or lightly modified 2006-07 WRX. They have that excellent 2.5 engine, the transmission was designed to handle the torque by that time, and they have the 4-pot and 2-pot brakes from the 90's Z car. I rarely see one of these on the road for some reason, they probably have all been wrecked. I owned a 2007 and

“I like the names they have for cars. Like, no baron has ever owned a LeBaron. Or the Ford LTD. ‘LTD.’ Limited. It’s a ‘limited’ edition...what did they make, fifty million of those? ‘Yes, it’s ‘limited’ to the number we can sell.’ Or when they try and mangle a positive word into a car name, you know how they’ll do

The correct price is right there on the license plate.

Giant truck or tiny wheels?

I worked for AAAcon Auto Transport in college (say it “Triple A con”) we were a broker. We were as shady as SHIT yo! Google the name and New Jersey to see some of the lawsuits.

Guess the $6500 I paid for my ‘64 in 2001 proved to be well spent...

The Buick Avista. Call it a Cadillac if you must*, but build it, and power it by a twin-turbo V8.

I recognize this may get buried here, as it goes against the prevailing point of view, but I want to provide a counterpoint.

Seriously, no love for the Mitsubishi Mirage? They’re fun as hell, available with a manual and they’re practically giving them away new. Brand new. Never been farted in. Your farts only.

Shoulda been called the Macanamera

Timing is everything in the car world, and the Japananese auto industry is shit at timing. Let’s start with the NSX:

I’m not even sure Countaches are track worthy.

Can someone photoshop that person out of the picture so I can see that Syclone better?

If she needs something pointy haphazardly tossed into her rear end call me.

Toyota won’t give it more power, and won’t let Subaru either. The Miata is what, 400lbs lighter? It’ll run circles. And even the Miata’s current 155hp engine has basically the same torque as the FRS but peak is available 2000rpm lower than the FRS.